Part Three: After | Chapter Seventeen

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Eventually Christmas came around. It was Christmas Eve Eve and I was similarly excited for and dreading the following days. Presents were always good and Christmas had always excited me, but not for any religious reasons. I just liked the twinkling lights and the cookies and the spirit in the air.

This year, however, I dreaded it for several reasons. Firstly, I had to spend a lot of time with my family. That wasn't something new but especially this year I had no desire and it only added to the list of reasons. My grandparents were also visiting and I didn't have the best relationship with them, shocker I know. Secondly I was thinking about Mark nonstop and that definitely didn't put me in the best mood. I had asked my therapist not to reduce the dosage of my medication just yet, after the holidays were over he could do what he thought was right but now I was just too dependent on my already small dosage.

I also had to keep on thinking about Lilian and how she was alone, without her brother, at Christmas. I didn't want to think about how her Christmas must look like, but it only added to my already bad mental state.

Because I knew my conscience would not be clear until I did something about it I called Dan.

"How can I help you?" he asked brightly as always when he had picked up.

"It's Christmas and I'm sad."

"Oh no, what can I do?" he asked, the bright voice gone.

"I feel bad about Mark's sister, you can help me with that."

"Uh, care to explain?" he asked a little lost.

"Sorry, yeah, I forgot you don't know. At Mark's funeral I talked with her and she told me how bad it was at home for her and Mark. Her parents are apparently pretty strict and—" I sighed, "—well she said they're not physically violent but they seem pretty emotionally abusive. And I keep thinking about how lonely she is without Mark and it's Christmas and... that depresses me."

"That sounds pretty bad. What do you want to do about it?"

"I thought maybe we could spend some time with her if she would like that. You are a nice person so I thought I would ask you to do it with me."

A short pause followed. "Alright, I'm in. I don't want her to be alone at Christmas, no one should be alone at Christmas."

A smile spread on my face and his words lightened my mood a little. He was truly a good person. "My point exactly. I need to buy a present for her first though, but I'm not sure what yet. Can you pick me up and we go last minute shopping?"

"Right now?"

"Do you have time?"

"I'm packing but that can wait. We're leaving tomorrow so I can still pack tonight. Mom said to do it now but she'll understand if I tell her we need to save someone's Christmas. I'll be there in fifteen minutes, okay?"

"Wait, hold up, you're leaving? Where are you going?"

"We're going back home. I mean, back to my grandparent's home. We're visiting them for Christmas."

"Oh, good for you I guess."

Dan laughed at the other end of the line.


"Nothing, I'd just rather stay here that's all. As much as I love my grandparents, I've barely settled in here and I don't want to risk having to run into my dad. Not that I think it's gonna happen but still."

"Oh well, I'd rather come with you, believe me. My grandparents are visiting and I'm already anxious."

Dan laughed again. "Anyway, fifteen minutes. See you."

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