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"Parte after parte after parte after parte," Chinasa and Charles were singing at the top of their voices. Their voices coupled with the loud music blasting from the car's speakers made Stephanie feel like jumping out of the car. Not only did her ears itch, the vibrating car seat coupled with the hot weather made her feel uncomfortable. It was funny how she felt hot when everyone said they were cold. Williams was driving. He wasn't singing with them, but he didn't seem to be bothered by the noise. Chinasa was on the passenger's seat while Stephanie and Charles were seated at the back seats. Stephanie behind Williams and Charles behind Chinasa.

Both couples were going on their first double date and Stephanie couldn't have been more tensed. What if she did something she wasn't supposed to do? What if she embarrassed herself? What if she didn't fit in. She turned to look at Charles who was sitting beside her, nodding his head and singing along, his eyes fixed on his phone's screen. It amazed Stephanie, the fact that the only thing he'd said to her since the beginning of the drive was 'Hi' meanwhile, he'd been laughing and jesting with Chinasa. Could he be that he found her boring? Was she too quiet? She wanted to speak, but what if she said something she wasn't supposed to say?

Summoning up as much courage as she could, Stephanie slowly extended her shaky hands and held one of Charles' hands making him look at her.

"Babe." He smiled and kissed the dorsum of her hand making her blush. It was amazing how just that single gesture was enough to warm her heart, reassuring her that he still liked her. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze and released it. He then placed his hand on her bare thigh. Stephanie gulped and forced a smile. That wasn't what she had asked for. She hated it when he touched her. What she wanted was for him to smile at her, tell her sweet things, and maybe hug her. But she couldn't blame him. Why would she when the short gown she was wearing exposed a reasonable portion of her thighs.

Charles faced his phone again and Stephanie faced forward. Hoping her sweat hadn't smeared her makeup, she looked into the mirror on the windshield. Her heart skipped when she saw Williams looking at her through the mirror. She immediately looked out her window. Why was Williams looking at her that way and how long had he been looking at her? Stephanie couldn't decipher his thoughts from his look. He had that about him. Stephanie could never tell what he was thinking from his face.

"We're here!" Chinasa scream made Stephanie grimace. Chinasa opened the door without waiting for Williams to park properly.

"I haven't even parked," Williams said, but Chinasa had already stepped out and closed the car door. Was it just Stephanie or did Williams sound irritated? Stephanie didn't know why a part of her was happy at the fact. Did she really want Williams to find Chinasa irritating? That was wrong of her. How could she wish her friend such? What was wrong with her?

Charles opened his door and came down from the car. Stephanie opened hers too. She couldn't have felt more relieved as fresh air hit her face and Williams turned off the loud music. As she was Stepping out, Williams opened his door to step out. Stephanie quickly closed her door and walked to the other side of the car where Charles and Chinasa stood.

"Steph darling, what did you do to your makeup?" Chinasa took out her handkerchief and dabbed it on Stephanie's cheeks. "There," She nodded. "You look pretty."

"Thanks." Stephanie grinned and looked up at Charles to see what he'd say. Her grin died down when she saw what Charles was doing. He was smirking, as his eyes were fixed on Chinasa's rump. He was so absentminded; he didn't even know Stephanie was looking at him. Stephanie gulped and looked away. She wasn't going to feel bad. She needed to get those butt and breast enhancement creams and pills as soon as possible.

"Baby!" Chinasa grinned when she saw Williams approach them. She ran to him and wrapped her arm around his elbow. They began walking into the garden. Charles and Stephanie, behind them.

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