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Stephanie could feel the goosebumps on her skin. The gown Chinasa had given her to wear exposed a large portion of her skin and the AC wasn't helping matters. But all the discomfort the cold brought her was nothing compared to her throbbing heart.

She glanced at Chinasa who was beside her at the back seat of the private taxi they'd ordered. They were on their way to Veling hotel to see Jide. Chinasa's attention was fixed on her phone. She was smiling. Probably pinging someone. It baffled Stephanie how Chinasa could be so calm and settled while her tension was at its peak. Stephanie's hands were sweaty. She'd been fidgeting. She gasped and almost threw her phone away at the feel of its vibration. Someone was calling her.

She checked the caller ID. It was Williams. She smiled a little. Maybe talking with him would take her mind off where she was going and what she was about to do.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, Stephanie. How are you?" His voice was calm and gentle. He was probably somewhere having his peace of mind while she was here, about to do what she'd dreaded all her life.

"I'm well." She hoped her voice didn't reveal otherwise.

"Sorry, I haven't called since Wednesday. I didn't want to interrupt your studying."

"Oh, there's no problem."

Stephanie's heart broke as she remembered her Monday's test. Vanessa had called to remind her of their reading plans and she'd told them to go on without her. She'd reminded Chinasa of their first CA next week and Chinasa shrugged it off, saying that what they had to do tonight was more important. Stephanie couldn't understand how Chinasa could be so nonchalant about her academics.

"Are you there?" Williams voice broke into her thoughts. She hadn't heard what he was saying due to her absentmindedness.

"Sorry, could you please come again?" 

"Alright." She could hear his sigh. "I said I just called to know how you're doing and how you're preparing for your first CA tests."

"I'm doing just fine. Thanks for asking." She said.

There was a pause on Williams' end.

"Stephanie, are you sure you are fine? You sound... I don't know... Like you're terrified or something."

"Oh, no, I'm fine." Her voice came out more high-pitched than normal. She glanced at Chinasa who was giving her a curious look.

"Chinasa is here, would you like to speak to her?" She was ready to give Chinasa the phone, hoping it would distract Williams from reading her true emotions.

"You're with Chinnie? What are you doing? I hope you're not doing anything dangerous?"

Why did his voice suddenly turn from calm to cautionary?

"No... no, we're just going some—"

"Who're you talking to?" Chinasa interrupted her.

"It's Williams."

She noticed the frown on Chinasa's face at the sound of Williams' name.

"Where are you go—" Williams was still speaking when Chinasa snatched the phone from her.

"Hello lover." Chinasa spoke in her usual seductive voice.


"Don't you miss me?" She pouted.


"Why are you so concerned?" She smirked.


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