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The past several weeks went by extremely fast as they were very eventful. Stephanie's daily routine had changed from lazing around all day to waking up early, attending lectures, and studying with Vanessa and Dami. Sundays and Wednesdays were church days and she'd always looked forward to them. She'd completed her new believers' class and joined the ushering team three weeks ago. She couldn't have felt more satisfied with her life.

One of the things that contributed the most to her joy was the fact that they'd written their final exams last week, and unlike her first CA tests which she'd woefully failed, Stephanie was more than sure she was going to Ace these exams. She'd read hard for them for weeks and wrote very well. And on Saturday, she'd prayed along with Vanessa, and Dami, committing their papers into God's hands. She felt safe and relaxed, knowing that God was now in control.

Although last week was a happy and fulfilling week for Stephanie, a saddening event occurred on Wednesday while they sat for their Physics paper. Chinasa had been caught engaging in exam malpractice. She'd swapped scripts with a guy sitting in front of her who was apparently writing for her. Considering the level at which the school frowns at exam malpractice, the invigilator hadn't taken their case lightly. He'd seized their scripts and given both of them the malpractice form to fill after which he handed them over to the faculty's disciplinary committee.

The next day, the news had spread like that Chinasa and her partner in crime had been given one full year's suspension and were asked to write a letter of apology to the faculty for faltering on the rules. For the remaining part of the week, invigilators in the different classes kept using them as examples while warning students about cheating.

Stephanie had been a bit emotional that evening, when she'd thought of the gravity of what God had saved her from. No doubt, she'd have been influenced to join in the malpractice if she was still friends with Chinasa and only God knows where she'd been by now. She couldn't imagine what she'd do if she were given a full years suspension. But rather than rejoice over Chinasa's plight, it amazed Stephanie the way her heart went out to her. The normal thing to do was to hate people who'd hurt you and wish them bad, but despite all Chinasa had done, Stephanie couldn't bring herself to hate her. All the times she'd attempted to think even the slightest hateful thought towards her, she'd lost her peace. And recalling what Vanessa and Dami had said about the importance of guarding one's peace, Stephanie chose her peace over whatever grudge she might have wanted to hold against Chinasa and Charles.

Though there were times she'd been tempted to be sulk and hate them, Williams had taught her to forget the past. No, the Holy Spirit had thought her that through Williams. And she'd realized that the less she thought about the things they'd done to her, the easier it was to move on. Now there was no trace of animosity in her heart towards them, all she sincerely wished for was that they'd come to find Jesus just like she had. What would it be like to see Chinasa and Charles accept Jesus and turn a new leaf? Her joy would be unmeasurable. But that seemed like a dream. It looked so impossible. Chinasa had blocked her line the same night they'd had their big fight and as for Charles, Stephanie had blocked his line several weeks ago when he'd called one night to tell her he was horny.
"Stephanie, don't tell me you've been folding only three clothes since that time." Dami was on the verge of laughter as she looked into Stephanie's travel bag.

"Where's your mind, Stephanie?" Vanessa giggled, zipping up her travel bag.

"Sorry" Stephanie smiled. She hastened up folding her remaining clothes into her bag.
"Do you need help? Williams said he'll be here by ten. You know that guy keeps to time like an alarm."

Dami was right. It was already ten minutes past nine. She had less than an hour to arrange her things. How did the time fly so fast?

"Yes, please." She sighed in relief as Dami sat beside her on Teni's bed and joined in folding the clothes, transferring them from the bed into the travel bag.

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