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Stephanie was beyond uncomfortable. Her body ached from lying in one position for hours, and she felt sticky, sweaty and dirty as she hadn't taken a bath since morning. She stealthily turned the opposite side hoping not to draw her roommates' to herself once again. She couldn't have been more relieved when she noticed Magdalene was now asleep, she'd slept off with her movie still playing on the laptop which sat beside her. Vanessa had her earpiece plugged in and was hummin to her music as she read on her table which faced the opposite. Taking a deep breath, Stephanie peeked at Teni to see that she was now sprawled across her bed and seemed to be deep in sleep.

Satisfied, Stephanie she sat up and stretched. She cherished this little time she had to freely do what she wanted in the room without anyone staring at her or commenting on the negative changes in her. Vanessa always minded her business and so her being awake wasn't so much of an issue to Stephanie. Besides, she was currently caught up in her world of music and studying.

Stephanie mentally facepalmed when she tried to open her wardrobe and it didn't budge. The fact that she couldn't remember where she'd kept her of keys was enough to increase her frustration. She'd either thrown it away on one of her drunk nights or left it somewhere in Chinasa's room.

Grateful the spare key was still in her old sneaker, underneath her table where she'd left it, she opened her wardrobe and was met with the smell of camphor as she took in the site before her. Her wardrobe was beyond scattered and disorganized, just as she had left it on the Sunday she'd hurriedly packed her things to Chinasa's room. She ransacked the wardrobe for a towel making a mental note to retrieve her belongings from Chinasa's room. How she wished she'd never have to set her eyes on Chinasa again. But her laptop was still there as well as some of her books and clothes. Once she'd retrieved them. Chinasa would be out of her life forever.

She wished she'd never met Chinasa. If only they'd gone to different schools, her life would probably have been different. If only she had stayed with Vanessa and Dami on that fateful day when Chinasa returned. But she'd followed her to the place where she'd lost her innocence. Stephanie clenched her jaw as she tied her towel around her chest, recalling how she'd sacrificed everything for Chinasa, from her bed space to her money. She'd been such a fool. The same Chinasa who she called a friend stabbed her in the back and showed no remorse. The same person she'd trusted introduced her to the life that was now destroying her minute by minute.

Stephanie slammed the wardrobe's door harder than she'd intended, inadvertentely drawing Vanessa's attention to herself.

"You're awake." Vanessa smiled and took off her earpiece. "How are you, Stephanie?" She spoke softly.

"I'm fine." Stephanie nodded and picked up a bucket from underneath Teni's bed.

"Stephanie, you look like something is bothering you. You know you can share it with me."

The sincerity Stephanie saw in her eyes almost broke her. She wished she could just cry on Vanessa's shoulders and let it all out. If only she could share half her burdens with someone. But no one would see the skeleton in her cupboard and look at her the same way. If Vanessa ever found out the things she'd done, she'd end up disliking her and Stephanie wouldn't be able to bear it. Her burden was weighty enough, she couldn't let Vanessa's disappointment in her add to it.

"Honestly, I'm fine." She forced a smile and began walking away but stopped when Vanessa called her name again.

"If you need someone to talk to, you know I'll always be here, right?" Her eyes were full of compassion.

"Yes." Stephanie nodded and hurried out the door before Vanessa could see the tears forming in her eyes.

Vanessa was a sweet soul and Stephanie envied her. Her life was clean and good. She did well academically and morally. She always looked happy and peaceful as though she didn't have a care in the world. Right now, Stephanie wanted that life more than anything, but who was she kidding? Her life would never be that good. She'd done things that couldn't be reversed.

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