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Stephanie sighed as she took off the umpteenth mini skirt she'd tried on. It seemed mini skirts weren't for her. They looked better on Chinasa because of her wider hips. Stephanie on the other hand wasn't as curvy as Chinasa, the skirts weren't fitting, they were rather loose, making her look like a small girl. Next, she tried on a pair of white denim shorts and looked in the mirror. Perfect. This fitted her better. She then wore a pink bodycon, turtleneck long-sleeved blouse and tucked it in her shorts, and put on a black leather belt. She smiled as she admired herself in the mirror. This was beautiful. She didn't reveal much skin. Her shorts were just slightly above her knee, her top wasn't a crop top, but her outfit still looked nice. It seemed she had wasted her money buying all those miniskirts and crop tops last week. She didn't like anyone of them. Not like they weren't beautiful. They were gorgeous, but they didn't fit her the way they fitted Chinasa. And if she were to be honest with herself, the primary reason she didn't like them was that they showed off too much skin and made her uncomfortable. When she wore them, she felt as though she was naked. She wasn't used to wearing any of those kinds of clothes.

She looked at the time on her wristwatch. 7:12 pm. Chinasa would be here at any moment. She picked up her black wig from her cupboard and brushed it. She looked in the mirror as she wore the wig, marveling at how just a wig could transform her face. The wig made her look older and more sophisticated. She was adjusting the wig on her head when the door burst open and Chinasa came in holding a big bag.

"Hey, girl." She grinned at Stephanie as she placed the big bag on Stephanie's table.

"H.. hi" Stephanie looked at her, still confused as to whether Chinasa forgotten that she'd was angry with her just this morning.

Chinasa's grin slowly faded as she studied Stephanie's outfit. "Is this what you're wearing there?" She asked.

"Yes." Stephanie nodded. "Is there anything wrong with it."

Chinasa burst into laughter making Stephanie feel embarrassed. "Steph, we're going to a party, not a church service. Your outfit in itself isn't bad, but it's not for the occasion. It looks churchy. You're supposed to wear something partyish." She began rummaging through the big bag she'd put on Stephanie's table. "I'm glad I bought an extra gown today; I just knew you'll need it." She took out a white gown. "Try this one." She handed it to Stephanie and continued rummaging through her bag.

Stephanie's heart skipped when she opened up the gown. Was this a gown or a shirt? It looked as short as a shirt. She gently took off the outfit she was wearing and put on the white gown. Stephanie's eyes widened as she looked at herself in the mirror. What kind of gown was this? It was so short it stopped slightly beneath her rump. As if that wasn't enough, most of the front part of this gown was netty, from her neck, down to her navel, the net exposed what shouldn't be seen. If not for her bra she would have been practically naked.

"Turn around, let me see." Chinasa sounded excited.

Stephanie turned to face Chinasa, her eyes widened when she saw what Chinasa was wearing. Stephanie had thought her outfit was bad, but it was nothing compared to Chinasa's outfit. Chinasa's gown was practically a net. It was long enough to reach her ankles, but it revealed everything except for the parts her black undies covered, and even the black undies were immodest. Her light skin made her black undies more prominent.

"Perfect!" Chinasa grinned as she adjusted the front part of Stephanie's gown. "You look hot. Charles will trip when he sees you."

"Charles is coming?" Stephanie asked as a smile crept into her lips. She could finally see Charles again. Maybe, just maybe he'd notice her beauty.

"Of course." Chinasa laughed. "It's his house we're going to."

"His house?" Didn't Chinasa say they were going for a party?

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