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Stephanie didn't know for how long she stood facing the tall building contemplating on whether or not she should go in. This was supposed to be her legal hostel but she hadn't been here in over a month. How would she face her roommates again after shutting them out for that long? The thought of Teni disliking her was enough to make her shudder. Magdalene was cool and calm, but she always took sides with Teni, which meant that if Teni refused to speak to her, chances were high that Magdalene would do likewise. Vanessa was the only person who gave her little hope of acceptance. Vanessa always exuded love. She could never hate on anyone. She might be disappointed, but she'd never treat Stephanie badly.

Stephanie rubbed her palms together as she walked through the hostel's entrance. As she climbed, she gripped the railings a little more tightly than normal as she tried so hard to push away the thoughts of all she'd done to Vanessa and Dami. They'd shown her nothing but love and even welcomed her into their little clique. Vanessa had always been good to her. But she'd turned her back on them and became the exact opposite of what they stood for. She was dirty. She was immoral, as good as a whore. She was unholy. How would she even look at Vanessa in the face without hating herself.

Standing in front of the door to her room, Stephanie was met with a wave of nostalgia. Memories of all the times she'd joked with Vanessa and Dami on this same passageway. Times when Teni would tell them funny stories about her course mates. Times when they'd all gather on Magdalene's bed to watch a movie. This was the life she'd walked away from. Would things ever be the same again? With shaky hands, she twisted the doorknob, but the door didn't open. Did from inside? Stephanie knocked three times, but there still was no answer. Nobody was around? But today was Saturday. Stephanie frantically searched her purse for keys as the thought of being locked outside wasn't appealing. The keys weren't in the purse.

Sighing, she closed her eyes and leaned her head against the door. Why would all three of her roommates be away on a Saturday? What would she do now? Where was Vanessa? She was about to pick her phone from her purse when an all too familiar voice called her name. That familiar melodious voice she wouldn't mistake for anyone else's.

She looked up to  see Vanessa grinning and hurrying towards her. Vanessa was holding two buckets and the front of her shirt was wet from washing. A part of Stephanie wanted to run to her, hug her and cry on her shoulders, but another part of her didn't want to be pitied. She wanted to be envied and admired, not pitied. So Stephanie stood where she was and forced a smile, and in a moment, she was engulfed in Vanessa's tight hug.

"It's been ages, Stephanie." Vanessa studied her face as she spoke. "I've missed you." She hugged her again. "You're not with your key? Have you been standing here for long? I'm so sorry." She moved to unlock the door.

"No, I haven't been here for long." Stephanie was grateful that Vanessa was trying to be nice to her and make her feel comfortable, but why did she feel all the more horrible? She wished Vanessa could vent her frustrations and disappointment on her, that way, she'd be getting what she deserved, not the love and kindness Vanessa was pouring on her which she was undeserving of.

Vanessa grinned as she opened the door widely. "You're not with any luggage?" She frowned. "You're not here to stay?"

"No, I am. I didn't get the opportunity to bring my things. I'll do that later." She picked up the two buckets that Vanessa had dropped as she headed into the room. Vanessa was about to argue when a familiar voice drew their attention.

"Isn't that Stephanie?" Magdalene was smiling as she and Teni approached Stephanie.

"Ah, Madam is back." Teni smiled a little.

Both of them also held buckets. So all three had been downstairs, washing. They'd all bonded without her. Stephanie would've been a part of them if only she stayed. Now she felt like an outcast.

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