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Stephanie was panting by the time she got to her hostel. She'd tried running after Chinasa but her hurting ankle hadn't let her. Now, it hurt all the more. It took a lot of effort for her to climb up the stairs. What would she say to Chinasa? Should she kneel and beg? Should she cry? She'd do anything it took to preserve this friendship. Holding the doorknob, she took a deep breath as she opened the door to her room. Her heart began beating faster when she looked around the room and didn't see Chinasa. Nobody was in the room except Magdalene who was busy on her laptop. Where was Chinasa? What if. What if she'd packed her things and left Stephanie for good? Please, no. Stephanie hurried to their wardrobe to see if her things were still there. Chinasa's things were still intact in the wardrobe. Thank goodness. Stephanie sighed in relief.

"Are you okay, Stephanie?" Magdalene asked looking concerned.

"Oh, Yes. I'm okay." Stephanie smiled. "Do you have any idea where Chinasa went to?"

"I haven't seen her since morning," Magdalene said.

"You mean she didn't come back to the room?"

"Not since both of you left in the morning."

"I see." Stephanie nodded. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Magdalene smiled and continued whatever it was, she was doing on her laptop.

Where was Chinasa? Stephanie took out her phone and dialed her number, but she didn't answer. Come on, Chinasa. Stephanie dialed it the second time, resisting the urge to pace, hoping Chinasa would answer. But there was no answer. Chinasa was probably still angry with her. If Chinasa wasn't in the hostel, where was she? Stephanie placed her bag on her bed and sat down on Teni's chair. It was just eleven o'clock. Lectures were to end by two o'clock. Stephanie didn't feel like going back to class. She didn't even know what she felt like doing. All she needed right now was for Chinasa to just tell her she was no longer angry. That would relieve her from this unease she felt. She opened up WhatsApp on her phone. Maybe Chinasa was online. If she was, Stephanie could apologize here. But to her disappointment, Chinasa wasn't online.

Stephanie closed her eyes as she rested her head on Teni's table. She wouldn't go back to class. With the way she was feeling, attending a lecture would be a waste of time because she wouldn't grasp a single word the lecturer says. Maybe she should eat something. Maybe that'll make her feel better. There was a packet of cornflakes in her cupboard, but she didn't feel like eating that. She wanted cooked food. Spaghetti specifically. But that would mean going down to the cafeteria which was quite a distance from here. Was spaghetti worth it? She could trek and receive some fresh air and maybe for once, she'd forget about Chinasa and just be happy. It wasn't a bad idea after all. But what about the pain in her ankle. She could never walk a long distance with that leg. She 'd just take a straight taxi to and fro. At least, that would save her time and stress.

Stephanie stood up and picked her bag.

"Bye, Magdalene." She said as she headed out.

"Bye, dearie," Magdalene replied.

Just as she hoped, there was a free taxicab in the parking lot. She boarded the taxi and, in a few minutes, she was at the cafeteria. She paid the driver and went into the large compound. The cafeteria wasn't as busy as it usually was, probably because many students were still having lectures. Stephanie felt a sense of freedom as she looked around. She could freely select the cafeteria she'd eat in. Chinasa wasn't here to make the choice. She'd eat in the first cafeteria. The same one she'd gone to with her mother. She hadn't gone back there since that day because Chinasa never chose it. Chinasa always preferred the Cafeterias that had hot guys in them. Although Stephanie never complained, she never felt comfortable eating in all those places because the guys there always made her feel self-conscious.

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