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Williams heard both their voices as he stood by Chinasa's door. Although he didn't hear what they were discussing, the sounds of their voices brought back memories accompanied by strange feelings. They went quiet after he'd knocked.

How was he going to speak his mind to Stephanie with Chinasa present? And what if Stephanie didn't want to see him? He didn't want to imagine the humiliation. Maybe coming here was a bad idea. He wished he'd thought it more thoroughly before deciding to come here.

As he contemplated turning back, the door opened and Chinasa stood on the opposite side. Her curious look dissolved into a grin as she recognized him.

"Baby," She flung herself on him catching him off-guard. "I knew you'd come back to me." She tried to kiss him, but he looked away and her lips touched his beards instead.

Pouting, Chinasa pressed her body against his' all in the name of a hug. "Baby I've missed you." She cooed at him.

Williams gently pushed her away. "I'm not here for this, Chinnie." He frowned.

Seeing the stern look on his face, Chinasa nodded and folded her arms. "Alright. What then are you here for?"

"Is Stephanie here?"

The murderous glare Chinasa gave him could have scared anyone away. But Williams didn't let it move him.

"No, she's not." Chinasa looked away.

"I know she's here. I heard her voice."

"Why are you looking for her? What's going on between the two of you?"

"Nothing," Williams slid his hands into his pockets. "I just want to talk to her."

"Give me the message," Chinasa said. "I'll deliver it to her."

Williams was about to argue when he heard the sound of soft footsteps and in a moment, Stephanie came into view. Williams saw her before she saw him and he almost did not recognize her in that dress which almost rendered her naked. He tore his gaze away from her body and focused on her face. Excess make-up made her look older and less cute than her natural self. Red lipstick. Orange wig.

"I'm off," Stephanie was speaking Chinnie when she saw him. She looked shocked at first, but she masked her shock with a look Williams couldn't decipher and immediately looked away. Now, as she avoided his gaze, Williams felt hurt.

"Stephanie," Williams spoke softly.

"Go." Chinasa barked, "This is his address." She gave Stephanie a piece of paper.

His address. Williams chest tightened as the words rang in his ears.

"Please excuse me," Stephanie said to Williams who stood in the middle of the doorway leaving little room for anyone to pass.

Williams didn't move.

"Excuse her, Williams," Chinasa facepalmed. "Her driver is waiting for her."

Stephanie's gaze was fixed on the floor.

Williams still didn't move. How could he let her go to some man's house dressed like this when even himself was finding it difficult to think straight, seeing her in this dress. Williams would have blocked her path for as long as it took to get her to give up and go back in, but the longer she stood there in that dress, the more difficult it became for Williams to withstand a part of the old him which was trying to resurface. A part of himself which he'd buried when he said 'yes' to Jesus.

Sighing, he took two steps backward making room for Stephanie who hurried out without saying a word to him. As he watched her go, he felt Chinasa's arms encircle his neck.

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