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Sandwiched between Vanessa and Dami on the back seat of the taxi, Stephanie felt warmth. Not just from the heat their bodies emanated, also from her pink dress. Stephanie couldn't remember the last time she'd worn a long sleeved, dress which stopped slightly below her knees with a neck-line high enough to fully cover her breasts. They'd always been sleeveless or spaghetti strapped, and so short that they hardly ever reached her mid-thigh. She'd never been comfortable in those. Though they made her feel self-conscious all the time, she'd stuck to them because that's what the guys loved.

It was amazing how the memories repulsed her. It was literally just like yesterday when she'd been caught up with those guys, but right now the mere thought of that lifestyle irritated her. There was something Jesus was doing inside her. Though she couldn't see it physically, she felt it a great deal. She couldn't deny it. Now here she was, happy in her pink dress. She felt comfortable, warm, and free.

"What would you do if you were her?" Dami gave her a gentle nudge.

"Huh?" Stephanie raised her eyebrows. She'd zoned out on their conversation.

"Where's your mind." Vanessa chuckled.

"A guy has been disturbing Venessa, telling her that God say's she should marry him. But she doesn't like him one bit. What should she do?"

"Scam." The driver spoke loud enough to draw the three girls' attention to himself.

"Sir?" Dami asked him.

"The guy is a scam." He shook his head and the three girls burst into laughter.

"Why do you say so, sir?" Vanessa sat straight.

"I know a lot of them. They'll see a pretty girl and lie to her. The foolish ones will believe and agree to marry them. In the end the marriage will be upside-down. He may start beating the wife and following other women." He shook his head. "See, in this life eh, learn to hear God for yourself."

"Hmm." Dami nodded. "You just spoke my mind, sir."

"Yes, it's very true." Vanessa nodded. "I have direct access to God. His Spirit lives in me. So if I need instructions on how to go about my life, I'll go to Him directly."

"Very true, my sister." The driver nodded.

He looked to be in his early thirties. His good English indicated that He was educated. But the scarcity of good jobs left him unemployed. Stephanie's heart went out to him. But it wasn't just his fluency that drew her heart to him. It was his words that had hit her deep.
Learn to hear God for yourself.

Was it really possible for her to communicate with God one on one? That would be the coolest thing ever. How could she even go about it? Dami and Vanessa so easily agreed with Him as though what he was saying wasn't at all foreign to them. So many questions on her mind. How could she communicate with God that closely? She'd ask Vanessa as soon as she got the chance.

"That red gate, Sir." Vanessa pointed to the left side of the road and the driver pulled into the church premises.

"Are you going to go to church today?" Dami asked the driver. "This is our church. You're always invited to worship with us."

"Oh, I already attended the 6 AM mass in my church. But I'll find time to visit." He looked around. "Seems like a nice place."

Stephanie couldn't agree more. The flowers were neatly trimmed and the floor was covered with interlocking tiles. Just a few cars were packed outside. They were fifteen minutes early. The blue church building stood at the far end of the premises. It was moderate sized, not as big as the church her mother attended.

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