Chapter 11

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"I'm sorry about the door"I mumbled to Lauren as we sat on the hotel bed talking "why are you sorry?i was the one that kicked it in and it's my hotel"she laughed I giggled she did have a point.

"Can I tell you something?"she asked "something seriously personal"she carried on I looked at her nodding worried "I have to take medication to"she told me slowly and I frowned "nothing like what you take or why you take it it's actually a whole different thing "she told me nervously."well it's a little similar"she sighed

"Please don't let it make you think differently not that you think of me in a certain way just don't think bad off me"lauren rambled on "Laur I would never think differently of you for having a mental disorder"I told her seriously taking her hand she looked down to our connected hands smiling slightly.

"Well the medications I take is called lithium"she told me looking away "they are mood stabilizers" she sighed "I have intermittent explosive disorder"she told me looking at me "which is basically anger issues"she carried on.
"It means I am aggressive and I show impulsive violent behaviour"she told me looking down.

It kinda made since now why she could be snappy then be normal again why she's so intense.
"Hey don't be embarrassed can't you remember what you just told me"i say to her as she turns to look at me. "your still Lauren your illness doesn't define who you are laur and who you are is kinda great"i told her as she smiled.

"I just don't want you to think because I have this that I'm like Jess because camz I'm not I would never hurt you on purpose I can't help snapping or being angry but I would never hurt you"she told Never breaking eye contact.

"I believe you"i told her honestly I havnt felt this before not even with Jess she smiled at me.
"Can I ask you something?"she smiled I nodded,
"Will you go out with me?"she responded I smiled to her "yes I'd love to"i told her and this time she grinned a huge cheesy smile.

"My place?we can order pizza and watch a tone of movies?"she asked "you had me at pizza"i told her as she laughed. "well C'mon then"she told me and I frowned "what now?"i asked and she nodded "but I'm not ready" I looked down at my outfit I was wearing jeans and a top.

"Camila you look gorgeous in anything your wearing I'm in my work uniform just bring like sweats to change into and we can be comfortable"she smiled.
"Oh and pack your bag you can't stay here someone broke the door"she told me smirking.

"Am I going to a new room then"i asked she shook her head making me frown "I thought you could stay at my place"she told me I was a little taken back "in the guest room of course ally lives with me aswell so it won't just be us"she rambled on I laughed a little at her.

"As long as you don't mind id love too"i grabbed my bag packing my stuff Into it "id never mind camz"she whispered

Above is a picture of Lauren she doesn't exactly look angry I just thought she was looking into the camera quite intensely.
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