Chapter 17

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Busting through her study door, the door hit the wall with a bang making her jump, noticing it was me she frowned,"Uh can I call you back?"she spoke into the phone "okay bye"she carried on before hanging up.

Standing and making her way over to me she seemed confused "what's wrong Camz?"she asked "don't camz me"I Snapped at her, "what did I do?"she asked "you fired shay are you serious!"I shouted my body filling with fury.

Her face fell slightly as she clicked on to what I was angry at."she was giving attitude I'm sorry"she went to turn away from me not before I grabbed her wrist turning her back,her eyes flickered to my hand on her wrist before meeting my eyes."you don't know what youv done!"i hissed,she frowned at me"what is that?"she asked rolling her eyes.

"She's leaving Lauren she's moving to LA"I told her Lauren wouldn't look at me "your not even going to say anything are you"I snapped letting go of her wrist pushing her slightly, she still stayed silent, "I was happy for the first time in so long"I snapped pushing her harder sending her backwards slightly,"why did you do it"I hissed tears welling up in my eyes.

"Do you not want me to be happy"I asked letting a few tears drop "camz of course I do"she sighed I shoved her harder "no you don't get to camz me!"I snapped "you have no right"I went to shove her again but she caught both of my wrists in her hands "camila stop"She told me, pulling me into a hug.

Trying desperately to get away from her thumping her chest but I wasn't strong enough to get away from her."Camz I'm sorry she's moving but maybe this is what you need a break to think of yourself instead of a girlfriend"she sighed.pulling back harder I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Who said I'm breaking up with Shay?"I asked making Lauren frown "your doing a long distance relationship?Camz half of them don't work"she told me sighing. "She asked me to go with her"I Snapped. Lauren just looked at me staring at me as if I was see threw.

"What did you say?"she coughed out "I said Shay asked me to go with her"I rolled my eyes "No camila I meant what was your answer are you leaving"she shouted my eyes darted to her frowning at why she was getting angry.

"Don't start yelling at me Lauren!"I snapped "But it's ok for you to come barging into my study while I'm trying to work to start shouting at me for firing one of my employees fucking hypocrite camila"she hissed.

"You wernt shouting before so?why now?"I snapped "because your leaving"she yelled her head falling into her hands "why do you even care Lauren"I yelled back at her. "Everytime we talk you always just end up screaming at me or snapping at me"I hissed."do you think I want anger issues huh camz? Is that why you skipped your meds because you wanted to take panic attacks"she yelled.

"Don't fucking dare Lauren"I growled "if you didn't notice camila you came barging into my life I let you stay at my hotel for free in my home for free I sorted out your abusive ex girlfriend twice! You make me fall for you then go of with the new DJ and bring her into my home and just after you tell me you love me then not speak to me for a week then when you do you tell me your leaving for LA!"she screamed at me.

"I didn't come into your life Lauren my girlfriend was abusing me so when I finally left her I needed to stay at a hotel if you can remember correctly you were the one that barged into my life"I hissed turning to walk away.

"Camz I'm sorry"she sighed I turned just as I reached the door. "No your not you knew what you were doing you gave Shay her job because she was struggling with money you knew she would need another job you knew she would leave"I sighed.

"Oh and by the way I told Shay to let me think about it I needed to see what there was keeping me here which is basically dinah and ally you seriously made my decision easier"I snapped walking out of the study. "Camila"I heard Lauren behind me. Running up the stairs I reached the guest room locking it.

"Camila!"she started banging on the door, In a rush I put in all the stuff that I had taken out of my suitcase most of it being packed anyway, once done, I grabbed my bags opening the door Lauren was sitting on the floor against the the wall facing the guest bedroom door, she quickly stood up as I walked past her,walking down the stairs I opened the front door,
"Camila please just wait"she asked reaching the bottom of the stairs.

"Bye Lauren"I slammed the door shut leaving her in the massive house.

I hoped you guys liked it,
Above is just a picture of Camren!
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