Chapter 31

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"Is honey even allowed on the beach Lo?"Camila asked,Lauren shrugged laughing, "what are they going to do put us in jail?"Lauren smirked Camila pushed her slightly cause of her sarcasm.

"Where are we meeting the boys?"Camila asked, "Harry texted and said they were at the cafe beside the beach which is right over there"Lauren pointed to a little blue cafe over looking the beach.

After the incident Lauren kept in contact with Harry and Luke and the three became quite close, after a few weeks Lauren introduced the boys to her girlfriend and bestfriends and the six had become very close.

"There they are"Lauren pointed to a table at the front, noticing the familiar brown curls."Hey Styles"Lauren smiled smacking the back of Harry's head lightly. "nice of you too join us Jauregui"Harry smirked,"hey Camila"Luke smiled,Camila offered him a smile and small wave.

Even tho she had been on the up and up and she always took her Meds Camilas anxiety was still playing up, "sit down camz"Lauren smiled at the younger girl, Camila blushed embarrassed silently sitting down.

"So where are my girls?"Harry asked, "your girls?"Luke raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend, "babe there's no need for you to be jealous"Harry smirked, "babes there's no need for me to be jealous your gay"Luke smirked back at Harry's widened mouth, "shit did I just out you?"Luke put his hands up in defeat.

Camila and Lauren watch the two boys messing about admiring their relationship,"The answer to your questioned Harold Ally's working and Dinahs visiting family so your stuck with us"Lauren stuck her tongue out playfully, Harry scoffed "as if we had a choice"Earning him a punch on the arm delivered by Lauren.
"your awfully quite Mila?"Luke questioned making Camila lift her head noticing the three sets of eyes on her a certain green pair making her nervous.

"I'm just hungry when are we ordering?"Camila pretended smiling. After eating their lunch and taking a long walk on the beach,Lauren and Camila with Honey and Harry and Luke with their out pit-bull Spud.The four parted to go their separate ways.

Driving back to the hotel the car was in silence, "are you ok camz?"Lauren questioned,"of course what makes you ask?"Camila smiled falsely "your just real quite"Lauren responded parking the car outside the hotel.

Camila got out expecting Lauren to follow but when the older girl didn't get out she frowned bending her head into the car, "you coming?"She asked the green eyed girl,"I'm stopping by the mall I'll see you later yea?"Lauren smiled but it seemed forced confusing Camila more.She didn't argue she just watched Lauren leave.


Later that day when Camila was walking to her shift she noticed Lauren's car in the car park,expecting her to be in the bar she was kinda shocked to only see ally.

"Allycat?Wheres Lauren?"Camila questioned the older girl shrugged."She dropped her car off and went out, I'm not even supposed to be working, I'm covering for Chloe"She sighed and I nodded getting to work.

"Lo where are you?"Camila spoke into the phone,"I'll be back soon"The older girl replied suspiciously, "you said that two hours ago?"Camila sighed sadly,"I gotta go camz love you"And with that the green eyed girl hung up the phone.

This had been the third time this week she had done that,sighing Camila set her phone under the counter and walked up to the next customer at the bar.A few hours past and there was still no sign of Lauren.As soon as Camilas shift ended she headed out side for some fresh air and to of course ring the older girl.

When Camila reached Lauren's voicemail her body filled with annoyance she hadn't seen the girl all day and she wouldn't even respond to her phone calls.Just as she was about to head inside something caught Camilas eye.

A blue Honda, which Lauren was getting out of smiling,Camila frowned because she had never seen that car before,Lauren waved at who ever was driving before heading into the hotel obviously not noticing Camila.

Camila sighed wandering in aimlessly behind Lauren following her all the way to the house for Lauren to only notice her when she was shutting the door, "God camz you near gave me a heart attack"Lauren sighed her hand going straight to her chest.Camila smiled slightly before heading in going straight up stairs to be bedroom the two girls shared.

Getting ready for bed Camila hadn't heard Lauren come into the bed room, and was startled to see the older girl already in bed ready to sleep. Frowning Camila got into the bed turning the night stand lamp off and sitting in the darkness.After a few minutes she came to the conclusion that the older girl was clearly not going to make an effort to start a conversation.

"So where have you been all day?"Camila asked quietly, "shopping"Lauren replied sleepily "who with?"Camila pushed "Ally"Lauren responded clearly not interested in the conversation, but Camila knew that was a lie because one Ally did not drive a blue Honda and two Ally was covering a shift for Chloe again as her two year Jade has the chicken pox and was working the same time Camila was,which made the younger girl frown.

Turning to her side she couldn't seem to shake the older girls lie, "do you want to do sometime tomorrow?"Camila asked quietly not understanding why she was afraid of what ever the green eyed girls response was going to be.

"Can't going out"Lauren replied "where?"Camila asked again, "shopping"Lauren replied again with a uninterested tone, "again?who with?"Camila pushed "God Camila I'm so tired can we talk tomorrow?"Lauren snapped making Camila frown and feel more confused than ever.

After mumbling out a "sure" the brown eyed girl turned on her side and starred at the wall.


After getting no sleep Camila gave up trying, getting up and going downstairs the younger girl made herself some breakfast and sat at the table trying to eat it.

"Oh hey camz? What are you doing awake?"Lauren asked confused "couldn't sleep"Camila mumbled, "it's 6am"Lauren pushed which made Camila lift her head "then what are you doing awake?"Camila asked making Lauren frown "I told you I'm going shopping"The older girl responded "at 6am?"Camila asked unconvinced The older girl just nodded "who are you going with?"She asked standing up lifting her plate and putting what was on it in the garbage.

"You didn't even touch that?"Lauren frowned, as She watched Camila put a full breakfast in the bin,"you didn't answer me"Camila ignored her "and you didn't answer me"Lauren snapped making Camila scoff.

"Don't start shouting"Camila told her calmly "I'm not shouting"the older girl replied,"so who are you going shopping with?"Camila asked again "Dinah"Lauren told her confidently, which made Camilas heart drop because that was also a lie, as Camila and Dinah had plans together and the younger girl was actually supposed to be picking Dinah up at 9am to spend the day together.

Without another word Camila left the kitchen to go upstairs and get ready.After a few minutes she heard the front door open and close considering Lauren was dressed she assumed that she had left. Peaking out the window she seen Lauren getting into the same Honda that she had seen last night.

Which made the brown eyed girl feel sick to her stomach.

She picked her phone up and texted Dinah.

Hey D I'm not feeling the best can I take a rain-cheek for today I'm sorry xx

Once the text was sent Camila rushed down the stairs and out the door hopping into her car and following behind the Blue Honda.Turning at the same corners they both ended up at a mall parking Lott.

Camila stayed hiding in her car watching as no one excited the Blue Honda only for a few minutes to go by and for her to see her girlfriend get out of the car with a blonde girl.

Camila heart stopped,the same question going over and over in her head, why did she lie?
The blonde girl was really pretty, and Camila couldn't help but fear the worse as she felt a teardrop slide down her cheek,she wiped it away and started the car heading back home.

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