Chapter 22

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Walking hand in hand down to the hotel with camila I couldn't help the smile on my face,I turned my head slightly to look a camila who was smiling at the ground bashfully.

As soon as we entered the hotel I frowned there was no one about it was like someone had died.
"Lauren"my head snapped round to see ally running towards us,"where is everybody Al?"i questioned,"you need to see this"she told me turning back round and walking to the front entrance of the hotel.

I frowned turning to see a confused look on camilas face, walking outside there were few people out there just standing about, I looked around and found ally,"Al what is it?"I asked,
She sighed nodding her head behind me,I frowned turning,as soon as I did my eye Widened and anger flew through my veins,

Writing on the the front of my family business, In big black bold letters,
Sluts R us =Lauren Jauregui
Like it wasn't even original, it was stupid and immature but it was having an impact on my business and my temper.

"Lo calm down Im sure we can just wash it off"I heard camila trying to calm me down,she must have noticed how anger I am,it's a little to noticeable my hands were shaking my breathing was was uneven.

"Are you even seeing this camila"I hiss my anger taking over I saw her frown at me before I turned back to ally,"this is why the place is deserted?"I asked she nodded sighing,"can you ring up and get someone to clean it?pay whatever"I told her she nodded before heading back inside obviously to use the office phone.

"See it'll be gone soon"I heard camila trying to comfort me,"Iv already lost business I swear whenever I get my hands on whoever did this"I hissed,just as a old black shitty car pulled up beside us,the window rolled down to reveal Jess, I rolled my eyes at her,"talking about me?"she smirked.

"You did this?!"I snapped she smiled a fake smile,"jess was this seriously needed?!"camila shouted at her,"Well she took you from me she can expect a lot worse"she smirked at me. My blood was boiling.

"She didn't 'take' me from you I left because your a good for nothing druggie"camila snapped at her, "whatever camila"Jess snapped "had to be her"I mumbled,"what?"camila questioned,
"Nothing it just had to be her"I told her "I don't know what you mean?"camila frowned "it had to be your ex"I sighed.

"Me you came into my life youv messed with my life my staff my friends and now my fucking business because your fucked up ex has no control over you anymore"I snapped knowing I didn't mean it I don't know why I said it.

"Your blaming me?"she asked quietly,"you barged into my life lauren,you started this pathetic war between you and Jess not me and if I remember correctly it was you at the airport begging me to stay so don't fucking blame me"camila shouted my eyes widened slightly Iv never seen her so anger.

"Camz"I sighed she put her hand up signalling for me to stay were I was,"I'm sorry you know I didn't mean it"I told her "whatever lauren I'm going inside"she told me sighing a took off to head inside the hotel.

"Begging her to stay at an airport do you think your in an episode of friends of something?"I heard Jess laugh behind me,I don't know if it was possible but I had never been this angry in my life.

Storming away I heading inside,ignoring what staff were saying I walked into the office grabbing the baseball bat that was sat at the desk just for safety,storming back out side I headed for jesses car.

"Back for some fun eh?"I heard her laugh just as I took a whack with the bat on the hood of her car, "the fuck are you doing"she screamed "I warned you to stay the hell away from me camila and my business"I snapped taking another whack with the bat to her front window smashing every bit of glass through.

"Youv messed with me"I hissed making my way around the car to the door windows smashing them,"youv messed with my girlfriend"I hissed making my way to the boot of her car making every dent that was possible."and now youv messed with my business"I snapped making sure that every piece of glass in sight was smashed.

"Your a maniac"I heard Jess scream from the side of her car, I was so angry I blocked out any sound, not to long after I was pushed against the car the bat torn from my hands with my hands behind my back.

"You under arrest for destruction of property,you have the right to remain silent anything you do say can and will be used against you in the court of law,you have the right to an attorney if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you" the police officer told me my Miranda rights while putting the cuffs on my wrists.

"Lauren"I heard my head whipped round to see camila standing outside the front entrance of Jauregui's, her eyes wide and mouth slack outer shock over her expressions,I didn't get to say anything because I was behind pushed into a police car.The car took of for the station,leaving me sighing.

Sorry for the late update,I'm not well.
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