Chapter 18

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"I can't believe your coming"Shay smiled kissing my forehead,"I couldn't get the same flight as you but mines is in a few hours"I smiled at her,
"In all honesty I didn't think you would come mila "she smiled half heartedly "why?"I questioned,
"This place is your home it's were your family and friends are"she told me "plus I'm used to travelling"she continued.

"It's not as if my family are going anywhere"I sighed sadly "and I can keep in contact with Dinah and Ally we are in the 21st century"I laughed slight "what about lauren?"she questioned my eyes darting up to hers at the mention of the name,

"We knew each other a little under a month she barley miss me"I told her just above a whisper, she nodded,"mila I got to go to catch my flight but I'll see you in two days babe?"she told me smiling I nodded excitedly,"you will"I leaned up slightly to catch her lips in mine.

Pulling away smiling Shay gave me one last peck on the lips before leaving to get into a Cab.
Walking into the restaurant with my bags I found an empty table and waiting for Dinah and Ally just were they said they would meet me.

"Hey mila"I heard looking up Dinah and Ally were sitting down, "why have you got your bags?"Ally questioned frowning, "I'm leaving"I told them, "girl you better not have went apartment hunting with out me!"Dinah faked a hurt expression, I shook my head.

"No uh Lauren fired Shay and she had to move to LA she's actually at the airport now because LA is were her new job is and I'm flying out im a few hours"I told them they seemed shocked they were still and quiet for a moment before Ally spoke.

"What about Lauren?"she asked hesitantly I frowned "what about her?"I questioned "does she know your leaving"she asked and I nodded "she basically screamed at me about barging into my life she actually made my decision a lot easier"I told them honestly,"so she just screamed at you that's it?"Dinah question and I nodded Ally and Dinah both looked at each other in totally shock,

"Camila have you thought this through your not just doing this because of a silly argument with Lauren are you?"Dinah questioned as i narrowed my eyes "Lauren as nothing to do with this I'm leaving to be with my girlfriend D"I told her,

"Mila Lauren told us about last week"Ally admitted I was confused for a second but clicking on eventually "that was just word vomit"I told them "Mila telling someone you love them isn't word vomit it's your feelings"Dinah told me,
"I don't know what you guys are trying to do but Lauren clearly expressed her feelings towards me and mine for hers this has nothing to do with her I'm leaving in about an hour to cheek in at the airport and I'm trying to say goodbye"I sighed finding this harder than it should.

"Yea I'm sorry"Dinah sighed "me too"Ally agreed "I just want you to be happy Mila and wherever it is and whoever it's with that's all that matters that your happy"Dinah smiled at me,

"We'll do you guys want to get one drink before I go I should have enough time"I smiled and They both nodded "I'll get them"Ally chirped in standing up and heading to the bar, "but we didn't even tell her what we wanted?"I laughed,
"She's smart she'll guess"Dinah laughed awkwardly as if knowing something I didn't i frowned turning towards the bar seeing ally on her cell.

45 minutes later we were standing infront of my cab, "text or call us as soon as you land okay?"Dinah demanded I laughed nodded,"I'm going to miss you guys"I smiled sadly.

Moving towards Ally I wrapped my arms around her neck "I'm so glad I met you allycat even under the circumstances but as they say every cloud has a sliver lining"I smiled "I don't think I'm your sliver lining mila"she told me frowning I was about to question her words but before I could ally stopped me by shaking her head "I'm glad I met you too"she smiled giving me one last hug.

Moving towards Dinah I grabbed her into a hug, "you be safe you hear! I don't want to have to come all the way to LA to kick some butts"Dinah told her seriously but it made me chuckle slightly as tears formed in my eyes "I'm going to miss you D"I told her "I'm going to miss you too mila"she nodded "I love you both so much"I told them getting into the cab "bye guys"I waved.

"Safe flight mila"Ally smiled "we love you"Dinah blew a kiss before shutting the door waving as I waved back to them both the cab had left the hotel Lott and I sunk into the seat sighing.

I hope you guys liked it,
Above is a picture of Camila,Dinah and Ally!
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