(2) The Search/Reuniting

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Alison's POV

Nick stayed over another night even though I allowed him to go home but no he didn't wanna leave aww 2 nights in a row

Nick offered to help me find my uncle and grandma since I was surprising my dad we went into my room locking the door, I sat on the bed while Nick grabbed my laptop from the charger sitting next to me "How should we do this baby girl?" He asked me turning on my laptop I just remembered I have an ancestry.com account which my parents don't know about "we can search my dad up on ancestry.com" which I seem to already be doing, I searched up Jason McCann in the search bar clicking results instantly finding my dad. Clicking his name it instantly showed his dad, Jason McCann(deceased) my grandfather really was dead in prison that hurt knowing I never met him.

I found my grandma, Crystal right next to him I clicked her name writing down her information like her number and address then went over doing the same with Alex apparently he was adopted 4 years ago and he wasn't to far from me he has phone number to call as well thank goodness dad was at work as well as mom plus my other siblings were with their friends plus boyfriend and girlfriends so it was just me and Nick after I got their information I logged off my laptop turning it off I saved their numbers in my phone as uncle A and grandma C I decided to go visit them then bring them back here before anyone comes home lucky for us we have three guest rooms so they could stay over. I texted them before it was time for everyone to come home

Me: Hi, Crystal and Alex this is your  oldest granddaughter and niece

Grandma & uncle: hi darling long time no see how's everything?

Me: Good dad misses you guys tho I found this letter in his room that explained that grandpa was abusive to you and him uncle Alex is that true?

Uncle A: oh darling it is I hated my father that's why Jason and I ran away

Me: tell you what he's not home him and mom r at work so why don't you guys come over dad misses you guys so much plus you have other grandchildren and nieces and nephews you haven't met I'll send I'll send you my address it's 2 now mom and dad don't get home until 8

Grandma & Uncle A: we'll be there soon thank you so much sweetheart we love you

Me: I love you too see you soon

I smiled this is really happening now I have to get the house all set up and call everyone


I screamed "omg babe they made it" I ran towards the door opening it pulling them into a big hug "hi darling my look how tall you have gotten" I smiled letting them walk it and sit on the couch "oh hello and who are you?" They asked I walked over to them sitting on Nick's lap "this is my boyfriend Nick, don't worry dad is totally ok with him being here" uncle Alex wasn't to fawned about him I guess he's gonna have to warm up to him like dad and uncle Justin did we were talking for hours I didn't even notice my siblings come in "sis who are these people?" They put their stuff down coming over to meet them "you look just like my dad are you related?"  Joshua asked "You guys do know grandma Pattie and uncle Justin aren't dads real mom and brother?, these people are meet your grandma Crystal and uncle Alex" they were shocked but soon all ran into their arms "how on earth did you pull this off sis" Valerie asked "a letter and the magic of ancestry.com don't tell dad or mom yet I'm surprising them it's only 3:45 now they should be home at 8"  there was another knock at the door I hope that's not mom n dad oh wait they have keys so it can't be lol

I went to open the door seeing uncle Justin and aunt Hailey "oh my gosh is that Alex I see is Jason here?" He asked he covered his mouth before he started shouting my dad's name then whispered him the plan and why they were here which he got instantly "oh my bad" we all continued to catch up until I heard a car door darn it are my parents home early I went to the door for the last time crap they are "ok change of plans my parents are here early so grandma uncle Alex I'm gonna need you to hide in the guest room until I say it's ok to come out ok" they nodded going to hide in the guest room

Meanwhile everyone else was talking until the sound of the door being unlocked was heard "oh hi everyone I didn't know you all were gonna be here princess what are you up too?" Dad looked at me then went to put his stuff down "nothing dad can't a girl just invite family over because she's bored" I smiled "yea I guess anyway I'm gonna go change I'll be right back" he walked upstairs sooner or later heard noises  it began

Jason's POV

I heard noises from inside the guest room it couldn't be Nick because he was downstairs meaning someone else was in the house

I walked in the room opening every door until I saw them two people I missed a lot my birth mother and big brother we all looked at each other tears running down our faces before pulling each other into a hug "my precious angel I thought I would never see you again" she said to me I couldn't say anything due to me crying I was only mouthing words "h-how did you find me?" She looked into my eyes "go back downstairs and reward that daughter of yours Alison little Ally I'll explain when we get back downstairs" Alex was smiling too

I ran downstairs my mom and brother behind me I picked Alison up "princess thank you thank you now I'm super happy" "I'm so proud of you baby girl" mom said to me we all sat back on the couch "so how did you find them princess tell me everything?"

Ali hugged me "well I found that letter in your room remember and asked u about it, after I went online to ancestry.com, searched them up, called them and wanted to surprise you because I know how much you missed them so I invited them here I basically surprised everyone when the surprise was just supposed to be for you dad lol you're welcome I'm sorry about grandpa tho"

I can't believe my sweet little girl did this for me "aww princess I owe you one big time" Nick came up behind Alison wrapping his arms around her waist "you did good baby girl you made your dad really happy I shall reward you with something but what" aww he's perfect for Ali all of my children are happy especially my boys I looked over seeing my sons both kissing their girlfriends they better not go any further than that I enjoyed this night with my family especially my mom and brother ☺️

We spent the rest of the night catching up my mom was telling me how she wants Alex and I even Justin to all keep in touch even though Justin is not her son she sees him like one tho I would love that even though Justin and I have our ups and downs I still love him, him and Pattie practically raised me when I was in danger.

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