(13) The Riveras 💍🤵🏻👰🏻‍♀️👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻

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Trevor's POV

Today is the big day the day my baby girl and I say I do and live happily ever after I had 5 minutes until I had to meet the guys at the beach yes we're getting married at the beach

My dad, brother, Justin, James, Jason, Jeremy, Benjamin, and Hunter were helping me get ready I was so excited "this is it my little girl is no longer a Bieber" Justin said he was talking about Marie "I just realized I'm the only Bieber dad" James said damn that's right Marie is gonna be a Rivera in a few minutes, Juliet is a Payne (lol but remember it's Liam's son Hunter), and Cheyenne is a Horan It was now time to go to the beach "I probably will cry before the wedding even starts" Justin said who could blame him I was ready to see my baby girl too " I gotta go see if my little girl is ready I'll meet you guys out there" Justin said leaving first to where the girls were while we walked to the beach and stood in our positions

Marie's POV

Oh my goodness I can't believe I'm getting ready to spend the rest of my life with Trevor as my husband

It was my sisters, aunts, step mom Hailey and my grandma Pattie they were helping me finish getting ready until I heard a knock on the door
"Is she ready oh my gosh princess you look amazing" dad said opening the door he looked like he had been crying aww dad "she's ready Justin we'll see you guys out there" my grandma Pattie said leaving with the rest of the girls all my female cousins were my bridesmaids while my best friend, Lisa was my maid of honor 

Everyone was in their places now waiting for the wedding to start

The music started playing and I looked at dad who seem to already be crying aww "daddy don't cry" I hugged him then continue walking as we reached the end of the isle "Who gives this woman to this man in marriage?"  the officiant asked "Her mother and I do." Dad said giving me a kiss on the cheek before Trevor took my hand

" dearly beloved we are gathered here today to bring Marie Victoria Bieber and Trevor Alexander Rivera as one we will start with the bride and groom saying their vows" as he looked at us. we held hands and looked into each others eyes "we've been trough thick and thin we had fights with people but now everything is perfect I would never want to change it your smile brings joy to my heart you always protect me you are the key to my heart and I would never want to lose you" I said looking into Trevor's eyes as I smiled. "When I first layed eyes on you my heart shined I never stopped loving you we met I knew you were the one " as he smiled.

The minster took the rings from the pillow giving one to Trevor " Trevor place this ring on Marie's finger and say with this ring I thee wed" as he looked at Trevor " with this ring I thee wed" as he placed the ring on my finger. Then the minster gave me the other ring "Marie place this ring on Trevor's finger and say with this ring I thee wed" as he looked at me

" with this ring I thee wed" as I placed the ring on Trevor's finger. ""Do you Trevor take Marie to be your lawfully wedded wife promising to love and cherish her , through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face, for as long as you both shall live?" "I do"

Do you Marie take Trevor to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?" "I do" I told him looking at Trevor smiling

The minster said," by the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride"

Trevor and I kissed while hearing cheers and claps from everyone I'm married now omg I could still see dad crying as my husband and I walked hand and hand to our reception party

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