(9)😇City of Angels😇

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Juliet's POV

Today is my mom and grandma's anniversary I miss them so much they missed my twin brother and I's weddings, the birth of my daughter (baby Carly), the engagement and wedding of Cheyenne, Cheyenne's pregnancy, now when she gives birth

It's gonna be super hard on dad, Chey, Katelyn, and my aunt Ashley for sure I never really expected dad to fall in love twice after mom died now I have 2 step moms and 1 step sister but I'm ok with it because I remember mom saying she would want dad to be happy and he is. Mom would've loved her grandkids(baby Carly, Benjamin, and Cheyenne's unborn child) I couldn't stop looking at the picture of my mom and I that I have on my night stand I broke down causing my husband to wake up "baby you ok what's wrong? I looked at him my eyes all red from crying he hugged me "oh today is the anniversary of your mom and grandma, baby don't worry I'm here you wanna go see your brother, dad, sisters, and aunt you guys can all spend time together it's ok I'll look after Carly" he was now rubbing my shoulders he's so supportive

10 minutes later

I was now dressed my husband was right I should go spend time with my brother, dad, and aunt I grabbed my keys giving my daughter and husband a kiss "call me if you need anything baby tell the family I say hi"

I was now with my twin brother, little sisters, aunt, and Dad and unexpectedly my uncle Jason. The day before my mom moved away I guess her and uncle Jason made up we were at the place my parents had their first date "I feel terrible for messing with you and Carly bro but she ended up forgiving me I apologize to you bro and you as well Ashley when we dated I should've never treated you like that now she's gone" uncle Jason said

"Bro it's ok even though you did some pretty fucked up things when we were teenagers look at us now closer than ever" Dad told uncle Jason "it's ok Jace even though that was pretty messed up for you to hit on my sister like that I forgive you she would want us to be happy and forget what happened in the passed plus look at us now we have a great relationship " aunt Ashley said "I know Nicolette was pretty disappointed in my bad boy ways too for the way I treated you and Carly" Uncle Jason was now crying dad hugged him "bro let's remember the good times we had with them"

"Oh I remember one" dad smiled "what dad?" I asked dad was smiling at me and James one I think I knew what it was "you guys remember the day you were born then Cheyenne came you guys were so happy"

she heard crying fill the room. Dr. Fran walked over to the sink with the baby in her arms starting to clean her off then she wrapped her in a pink blanket giving her to Carly. Justin smiled at his new daughter  then gave Carly a kiss Ashley went to go get the rest of the family then came back with a smiling Derek, Pattie, Juliet and James they looked at the baby James said," mommy what's her name ?" as he looked at his baby sister. Carly said," her name is Cheyanne Alison Bieber" as she smiled
*End of flashback*

"Oh my goodness I remember that?" Juliet said "Uncle Jason don't you find it weird that you named one of your daughters my sister middle name"  uncle Jason laughed "that actually wasn't my idea your aunt picked the name"

3 hours later

We were now eating since we bought food I definitely remember my grandma Nicolette making spaghetti with garlic bread 🍝🥖 it was yummy this was nice getting to spend time with my dad, brother, sisters, aunt, and uncle

My mom would've loved Marie and Benjamin even though she would be furious with Dad for marrying and getting Selena pregnant now I'm forced to call her my 2nd mother when she's done nothing but horrible things to us I miss her and my grandma so much 🥺

We spent the whole day and a little of night just making memories of my mom and grandma then all went home before it got to dark for us to drive cause I remember dad saying how he hates driving in the dark

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