(18) Baby Horan/Baby Rivera 👶🏻👶🏻

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Cheyenne's pov

I'm at the end of my last trimester and so is my little sister, Marie I talked to my doctor and she said both Marie and I could have our daughters a day apart so we're both getting induced today

David let Marie and Trevor spend the night so we can leave for the hospital together right now Marie and I were laying on the couches in the living room while our husbands were in the kitchen both my sister and I were trying to watch a movie but we kept having contractions I'm probably about 5 centimeters and my sister is about 4 centimeters dilated so we can't really go to the hospital right now but all of our bags are packed

Hours later I felt something running down my leg "babe!!!!! We got go now" David came running and seen it was time Trevor texted everyone telling them to met us at the hospital cause I'm pretty sure Marie was next

*skip car ride*

I was lucky Marie was in a bed next to me while both David and Trevor were sitting in chairs next to us "well well well if it isn't little Cheyenne I remember when I delivered you" It was doctor Fran "I'm sorry about your mom" she said I looked over at Marie and I could tell she was having contractions we were both now 7 centimeters only 3 more then we are in active labor

*hours later*

I was now the proud mother of Susan Horan

Susan Horan
Born: September 21, 2021 4:45 PM
4 pounds 6 oz.

Marie's pov

It was now 11:00 at night and I was having contractions bad I wanted Brittany out

Trevor held my hand as another contraction hit I was almost crying "I know it hurts baby girl breath through it come on you got this" Trevor was talking to me to calm me down soon Dr. Fran came back "ok Marie you are now 10 centimeters" Dr. Fran told me thank goodness

*2 hours later*

Brittany Rivera
Born: September 22, 2021 1:10 AM
4 pounds 9 oz.

I now had my baby girl in my arms Trevor and I admiring her he kissed my lips "good job baby you did it" he smiled at me I was so happy even though I was in so much pain I truly didn't care as long as my daughter was here I'm a proud mother of two

I heard a knock at the door seeing my dad, step mom, son, brother James, Juliet, Katelyn, Grandparents, Pattie and Jeremy, and my best friend Lisa

"Oh my goodness how adorable both my granddaughters are I'm proud of you both"

A/N: Baby Susan in the green and baby Brittany in the purple

"congratulations to you both" dad said both Susan and Brittany were both sleeping next to us while we were all talking with the rest of our family dr. Fran said both my sister and I had to stay at least one more day so that Susan and Brittany can pass all their baby tests before going home Trevor and David were doing skin to skin with them it was the most beautiful thing ever I could hear both my husband and brother-in-law talking to them

After baby and daddy bonding time everyone else had a chance to see the babies and yet again dad was crying while holding Brittany

"What's wrong pops?" Trevor asked "nothing I'm just happy after everything Marie has been through I'm glad she met you and now look at her raising two kids with you I'm grateful for you coming into her life" he hugged Trevor "I'm glad to be apart of Marie and Benjamin's life and now I have a daughter of my own I swear on my life I will protect my family with everything in me Marie is the love of my life I feel as that I was sent to her not only to protect her but to never give up on her" Trevor told his father-in-law then looked at his wife and daughter both sleeping causing him to smile

"I see how happy you make her when you both are around at my place or we have a family outing" Justin was right, Brittany started crying causing Trevor to get up to tend to her "daddy's here princess we don't wanna wake up mama do we" he grabbed her bottle going back over to chat with Justin "see look at you son Are you sure this is your first child?" Trevor laughed

Trevor's POV

Daddy-Daughter bonding again I'm loving it and wouldn't change anything

I was currently feeding my daughter and talking with my father-in-law I could definitely get used to this from all the experience with my little sister and brother. My mom had 4 children total but one of my sisters sadly passed away, I can't wait for them to meet Brittany though

I see my stepson walk over to me "hey bud you ready to meet your sister" he smiled sitting next to me and when I put Brittany in his arms he instantly fell in love with her "I love her so much already" he said to me I see Brittany open her eyes a little "hi baby I'm your big brother I'm gonna take care of you just like mommy and daddy" she smiled holding Benjamin's finger "see she loves you too" I told him "now this is a big responsibility you're gonna help mom and I out a lot with her right? and protect her from everything" I asked him he nodded and kissed her forehead aww I love my children

Mommy was still asleep and so was Cheyenne plus everyone else went home so it was just David, Benjamin, Baby Susan, and Brittany awake I love my family so much, David and I switched babies so we both can bond with our daughters and nieces "how does it feel to be a first time dad Dave?" I asked David he was feeding baby Susan "I love it Chey and I always wanted kids what about you how are you loving it?" Dave asked me " well being a step-father to Benjamin I never expected to be but Marie was raped and abused by her mother's boyfriend it was so bad I was heartbroken for her but look at her now my gorgeous wife she's given me Britney and Benjamin even though he has a father that he doesn't even like being around because all he wants is underage girls" I told him

" you're so much better for Marie anyway I've heard about Rick he was a real jerk for what he did to Marie" aww I appreciate that "baby"  I heard my loving wife call I got up slowly still holding my daughter putting her in her bed before kissing my wife "how you feeling baby?" I asked her holding her hand I heard everyone gets to go home today so everyone else will be able to meet the babies like my parents, David's parents, Jason, Rachel, their kids, and the rest of my loving wife's siblings

I was still holding my wife's hand she was looking at me "what are you thinking about beautiful?" I asked her "I'm just afraid Rick or my mother will come back to do something to either me or Brittney" I moved her hair back "I promise baby girl nothing will happen to you, Brittney, or Benjamin I will protect you I love you guys so much" I kissed her sweet lips then smiled at her

The doctor walked in checking the girls and babies one last time before giving us the all clear to go home home here we come "do you wanna come to our house later or just stay home?" I asked David he thought about it "it's best if we go to your house just so the family can make one stop you know" I nodded "I totally understand bro well let's get going"  I helped my wife up while David helped Cheyenne and we each grabbed our daughters walking out of the hospital


Sorry for the long wait guys I've been super busy and upset the last couple months and days I kept promising to get this chapter up but some days I just don't feel like writing but guys it's finally up next chapter the rest of the family meets the babies like Jason, Rachel, and the rest of Cheyenne and Marie's siblings plus Trevor's family but someone might show up again either Selena or Rick read the next chapter to find out

Love u all ❤️

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