(4) Our new life(still Marie/Benji)

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Marie's POV

We have now moved in with Trevor we would still go see my parents and siblings once and a while but I love living with Trevor his house is safe and secure just in case my mother's ex boyfriend comes back (so he says he wouldn't but my dad and Trevor don't believe him.)

I saw Trevor come out of our bedroom I jumped into his arms "woah what was that for beautiful" he kissed my lips  I smiled "I just wanna say thank you for what you have done for us so far babe" he walked us over to the couch sitting us down "Babygirl when I heard your story I was very upset I immediately asked your dad if I can have you and Benjamin move in with me my home has security everywhere I'm not gonna lie to you when I say this my little sister was also in a abusive relationship" he looked like he was gonna cry so that's who the little girl I saw on his bedroom wall was "I did everything I could to protect her but it was that day I was home alone with my sister someone broke in it happened to be her boyfriend little did I know he was the one abusing her because she would come home with bruises I would ask her but she would say nothing, it's been happening for years after my dad died" he was crying now

I hugged him then he continued with the story
*Trigger Warning*

"I came home from school and heard screaming from my sister's room I ran to her room and seen her boyfriend punching, slapping, and kicking her for some reason I couldn't understand I fought him off her and kicked him out, my sister and I went to the same school but she came home before me it got so bad until one night I saw her crying I asked her what happened but she ran into her bathroom and locked the door....she stayed in there for hours so I knew something was wrong so I busted the door down and seen her lifeless in the tub which was filling up with water" he was crying harder then ever now "I turned it off got a towel putting her on the floor I grabbed my phone dialing 911 when they arrived I was kicked out of the bathroom I was so scared that I could be losing my sister which exactly happened.......30 minutes the police came out the bathroom with sad looks on their faces which immediately made me drop to my knees and just cry, my best friend and little sister was gone I didn't know how I was gonna explain this to my family so after the police left I knew what I had to do I packed everything and found another house the day of my sister's funeral that was the day my family fell apart my mother and I didn't speak for months it was hard on her having to lose her daughter like that...when her 1 year anniversary of her passing came I finally seen my mother again and talked to her I didn't start dating you until the 3rd year anniversary of my sister passing so I felt like I was alone.

When I went to school all my sisters friends, teachers, and even my friends all hugged me and talked to me they gave me that picture you saw and it's been hung up on the wall over my bed ever since" he wiped his face that was drenched with tears I never seen him this upset that's why his house is so secure he's protecting me and Benji so that won't happen "I love you so much" he said to me kissing my forehead I smiled snuggling into him "you wanna know something tho I feel terrible about getting pregnant at 15 I'm 23 now and still a single mother to a 17 year old who doesn't even know his own father but he loves his soon to be step father" I feel so bad I looked down "hey baby girl look at me you're doing an amazing job I know Benji isn't my son but I love him like he is and he loves me"  aww  I was so happy at this point Trevor is literally the best.

My 17 year old son walked in interrupting us "um mom I'm sorry to ask you this" he stood in front of Trevor and I "ask me what?" I questioned he looked at me "what happened to ya know.......my real father?" Oh boy I froze I can't tell him about that even though he's old enough now he knows Trevor isn't his father gosh I wanna keep it hidden forever I can't bare to tell him that I was basically raped by his first grandma's boyfriend at 15 "what do you mean?" He looked at me "mom come on I know Trevor isn't my dad I mean I would totally love that but look at me I have brown hair and brown eyes he has blonde hair and blue eyes I don't look like him at all, I'm 17 plus all the kids at my school talk about their relationship with their fathers and I just walk away sad or angry cause I don't know anything about mine.....plus I heard Trevor say he knows I'm not his son" Damn I guess I should tell him but not here even tho it hurts so much

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