(11) Did my mother change? 🤔👩‍👧

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Marie's POV

Trevor and I have been engaged for 9 months now we're planning our wedding very slowly right now he's helping me with the invitations for the wedding when someone came to my mind

Wedding planning is exhausting but it has to be done I'm debating if I should invite my mother since I have my grandma Mandy tho and my aunt Gracie and there's no way I'm inviting Rick

I was interrupted by my fiancé "Planning I see baby girl" he hugged me from behind "baby you need to relax here I'm gonna make you a hot bath" I guess he noticed and I didn't even say anything aww he's so amazing

"Come my queen your bath is ready" he guided me to our bathroom a bubble bath is just what I needed he helped me undress and helped me in the bath something was missing tho....him I looked at him then undid his pants "oh you want me to join you? As you wish my queen" he was now behind me helping me relax "babe you don't need to worry about that wedding stuff I already know what you want and don't want I can finish it up for you" he was giving me a massage which I loved I'm definitely gonna love being married to him soon

After my amazing bath with my fiancé I heard my phone ring I rolled my eyes because of who it was.......my mother ugh I didn't wanna speak to her

Me: hello mother

Mom: Hi honey how are you?
She's so fake

Me: I'm good do you need something?

Mom: oh I heard you were getting married so am I invited to the wedding
Ugh she did not just ask me this 🙄

Me: I don't know dad's gonna be there and uncle Jason and they don't want you around me tell you what if you prove to me that you've changed I'll invite you

Mom: ok sweetie I love you

Me: love you too (sarcastically)

"What was that about?" My fiancé asked I showed him my phone and he was shocked "your mom wants to come to our wedding after everything that happened" I nodded "that's the thing babe she's acting like she doesn't even know she did it she hurt my family too much my dad hates her because she tried to kill my aunt Rachel and she kidnapped my cousins, my uncle Jason hates her because she raped him she basically forced Rick to rape me while she watched now she wants to be invited to my wedding" I told him " look at me babe If don't wanna invite her you don't have to you have your step mom Hailey and all your aunts" he kissed my forehead "thank you baby but can you come with me to talk to her and my dad please" I told him "sure baby you know I'm not letting you do this alone"

*At my dad's house*

I saw dad's car in the driveway along with Hailey's Porsche dad bought her as a wedding gift plus a blue chrome Fisker Karma which was uncle Jason's let's just say since uncle Jason and Dad are twins dad's friend Ellen DeGeneres and Scooter got them both one for their 18th birthday, Trevor on the other hand could tell I was nervous so he wrapped his arms around me as he knocked on the door

"Hey princess what brings you here?" Dad asked letting us in "there's my niece how's the engagement going for you?" Uncle Jason asked I wasn't gonna lie to them both " it's great but I got a call from my mother earlier today" I said we were all sitting in the living room now "wait hold on your mother called you, what about?" Dad asked "she wants to come to my wedding dad I don't know it doesn't feel right because she did things to us and now she wants to be apart of the happiest day of my life" Trevor could tell I was getting stressed so I rested my head on his shoulder while he had his arm around me "what did you say?" Uncle Jason asked "well she wants to meet with us but I told her if she proves to me that she changed then it might happen" "hon I'm not gonna tell you who you can invite to your wedding but she is your mother I guess your uncle and I can try to get along with her" Dad said I've already made my decision "dad I've thought about this with Trevor of course I told him that she could come to the reception just not the wedding but if she tries to bring my son's father she's leaving"

"Oh Trevor remember we're leaving tomorrow to go shopping then after that you guys have one more day together" Dad said oh yea that's right we're not gonna be allowed to see each other until the wedding aww I can't wait to marry my baby and become Mrs Rivera 😊😊😊😊 "princess I can't believe your next" dad was about to cry "aww dad don't cry even though I've already moved in with Trevor I'll still be able to come and visit Trevor loves you dad" I went over to hug my dad he's such a big cry baby Juliet told me he did the same thing when she told him she was getting married "Ok ok enough hugging you guys spending the night or going home big day planned tomorrow" I looked at my fiancé and he nodded I haven't been home in while since I'm living with Trevor now "come my queen we can indeed spend the night" my fiancé said picking me up and carrying me upstairs to my old bedroom "I guess that's a yes" dad said laughing, uncle Jason on the other hand bro hugged dad "see you tomorrow bro ready to have some fun"

Uncle Jason left going home he locked the door behind him saying one last goodbye before leaving. Dad went upstairs to my room "good night princess good night son aww you too are just too cute" dad said we blew dad kisses before he shut the door "I can't believe tomorrow is our last day together soon you'll be my sexy wife" Trevor said with his arms around me so that I was in his arms I looked up at him smiling "I'm happy I feel so lucky you came into my life" I told him which was exactly right I was in a dark place in my life then as soon as I met Trevor he brightened it back up I never thought I would find someone like him he's willing to protect me and Benjamin plus everyone in my family loves him "Babygirl I'm always gonna be here for you I love you so much" he kissed my forehead before we eventually fell asleep

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