(17) Dad and my uncles reunite

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A\N: I miss talking about Niall and the boys so this is gonna be about him and the boys plus Cheyenne since she's married to David Niall's son
David's POV

Today was my dad's birthday and I figured I could call my uncles and father-in-law because I know he hasn't seen them in forever

Cheyenne and I spent the night at my parents house I mean my wifey is 8 months pregnant today it's almost time plus my parents said it was ok, but today I'm getting dad out the house sorry dad lol I called my uncles and father-in-law

Justin: Well if it isn't my loving son-in-law

Zayn: Hey nephew

Liam: How's it going?

Louis: Soon-to-be dad in the house

Harry: it's been forever haven't heard from you since you and Cheyenne got married lol

Me: Cheyenne and I are excited for our daughter but guys focus lol today is about my dad y'all have to come together again he misses you guys

My uncles: we're there we miss your dad too

Me: great dad is out with mom it's just Cheyenne and I at our apartment but I still have a key to my parents house so I'll let you in you may wanna come now cause I don't know how long they will be gone

My uncles & Justin: On our way 

Perfect everything is set, Cheyenne was upstairs resting but she knew that I was surprising my dad and our baby girl will be here soon but she still couldn't resist me surprising him

*5 minutes later*

My father-in-law and uncles arrived helping me set up for when my parents show up, My father-in-law went upstairs to check on my queen so he didn't get to see everyone arrive since he stayed upstairs for so long.

I heard the door my parents must be here and I was right I see my mom and dad come into view "Dave, you didn't tell me your uncles were gonna be here" he smiled seeing uncle Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Harry he hasn't seen them since my father-in-law toured with them years ago. Dad went over to hug them I didn't realize my aunts Rachel and Gigi(uncle Zayn's new wife) I hugged them as well, then ran upstairs going to check on my wife and father-in-law "hey how you feeling baby"  I asked coming over and kissing her lips she was now 9 months and could give birth any day now as well as Marie

"Dad is it possible that I can ask my doctor if Marie and I could have our daughters together" aww my baby wants to give birth with her sister that's so sweet my father-in-law nodded "If it's possible sweetheart I know you and Marie wanna do everything together since you two are my youngest daughters" Looks like we're gonna talk to the doctor for this aww that will be so sweet "I can go by Marie and Trevor's tomorrow to see if she's up for it then let you know before your next appointment so you can ask the doctor but hon you know babies come when they want"

After talking about my wife's birth plan we went downstairs to chill with my dad, uncles, and aunts "son did you do all this for me?" my father asked I nodded hugging him. We enjoyed the party "Justin can I talk to you?" my dad asked my father-in-law

Justin's POV

Niall called me over to talk to him probably about our children but who knows

"What's up man" Niall and I were on the patio talking I'm not sure what about though "I appreciate you doing this for me oh and we need to definitely hang out again just the guys, you, and I you know after our grandchildren that are coming are born" he's right we're both retired musicians as well as the rest of the boys "I would definitely enjoy that even the family outings" I told him our families are pretty big now and 3 of my children are married to the boys children it definitely brought us closer as friends plus we're all family.

The next day

Justin's POV

After spending the whole day with my youngest daughter  Cheyenne and son-in-law I promised I would come over to see my other youngest daughter Marie and other son-in-law Trevor

I opened the door with my key that I had to find my daughter cuddling her husband aww I haven't seen her this happy in forever "oh hey dad I didn't see you come in" my son-in-law noticed since I was now sitting on the couch in the living room with them "I talked to Cheyenne yesterday and she told me she wants to have her daughter on the same day as yours so she's gonna talk to her doctor about it"

I saw a smile appear on her face "that would be the best thing ever dad" I'm guessing my son-in-law agreed because he was smiling with her and kissed her cheek "Definitely pops I truly feel like my baby girl and Chey are the closest out of all her siblings" so then its settled both my pregnant daughters will be expecting my new granddaughters on the same day "oh have you figured out a name for her yet" I asked "Brittany Rose Rivera" They said to me awww that's beautiful "aww my princess kicked I guess she likes her name too" Trevor says making me smile Brittany Rose and Susan Miranda my granddaughters I'm super happy at how successful my family is becoming

Now all that's left to do is wait for my granddaughters to start arriving I'm super proud of all my children us Biebers are strong people I can't wait too meet my new granddaughters soon what I love most about my family is that they all have been through ups and downs especially having to find out horrible things happened to their mothers but they still get along perfectly

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