(16) Family dinner\💖Gender Reveal💙

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Marie's POV

We were all going to Grandma Pattie and Grandpa Jeremy's house for dinner plus my gender reveal I was so happy to figure out what I was having

I was now 6 and a half months pregnant I guess grandma wanted to do something for her new great grandchild coming soon plus I guess she talked to dad about throwing my gender reveal so he let her that's why Trevor and I were forced to wear white while everyone else wear the color of the gender they think our baby is

*at Pattie and Jeremy's house*

Everyone was here and by the looks of it I seen mainly pink lol they want a girl we played games, danced around, talked, and ate food until it was time. Everyone was around us while Trevor and I stood on both sides of the box "ok everyone count down from 10" dad shouted











We opened the box slowly and a bunch of pink balloons came out I covered my mouth screaming Trevor ran and picked me up spinning around he can still pick me up even now being 6 and a half months pregnant while everyone cheered and clapped I can't believe I was having a little girl everyone was congratulating us and taking pictures "I love you, Benji and , our little princess so much my family is now complete" Trevor said kissing my cheek soon to be family of four I could see my son just smiling talking with his grandparents probably about his sister I love both my children even though they have different fathers it's totally ok

After the gender reveal we decided to stay at grandmas for dinner well it's more like she invited us to stay for dinner lol "How does it feel that you're going to be a mom again Marie?" Grandpa asked me "I'm excited grandpa cause this time I'm not alone and my daughter can grow up with a father" I said looking at Trevor we nose kissed "I'm excited to be a father I for sure love being a step father to Benjamin I love both Benji and my unborn daughter and I for sure love my wife I want what's best for her I can't bare to see her hurt again" aww he's so sweet "I haven't seen my granddaughter this happy since she reunited with her father" Grandpa is right I hated living with my mother she would make Rick hit me

Marie was 8 years old living with her mother and her mother's boyfriend little did she know he was mean to her "excuse me mister I'm hungry" she asked Rick since her mother was gone it was just them "oh mommy said I can't feed you until she comes home so why don't you just leave me alone" Rick said causing Marie to walk away sad

Marie was crying in her room she missed her dad since her mother told her he died from drug abuse she didn't know what to do.

When Marie turned 10 the lies just kept happening "when can I see my dad?" She asked Rick her mother still out probably partying or whatever "your daddy doesn't love you that's why you're with us you're NEVER gonna see or talk to him ever you got that you little brat" Rick lied "That's not true he loves me you don't know that" she told him Rick was drinking not caring about Marie at all "Oh yea then where is he?" He was up in her face now he grabbed her pinning her to a wall "you will never see him again you got that little girl" he let her go causing her to fall on the ground crying

Then when Marie was 12, she asked him about her dad again "ok I'll take you to him follow me" Rick told her they went to a room in the house "he's not in here?" she turned around causing Rick to grab her, he punched and kicked her around he would even spit in her face "stop that hurts" Marie was on the floor crying

Then 15 rolled around Selena told Marie she was going out again Marie started to feel neglected by her own mother, Selena told Rick to rape her which he did then Selena finally let Marie see her father after so many years

Marie was crying "Marie honey are you alright" my grandma asked I shook my head no it hurt just thinking about that I got up and walked away causing Trevor to follow me "baby what's wrong is the baby ok" we were in the hallway "I had another flashback one of where Rick beat me and my mom told me my dad was dead they keep coming back I can't take it why won't they go away" I cried Trevor hugged me "I think your dad is still here you wanna go talk to him baby you know I hate seeing you sad it's not good for our princess in there" my husband told me as he rubbed my belly I shook my head as we walked outside seeing my dad relaxing with Hailey "dad can I talk to you?" I asked him My husband and stepmom left us alone

"What's going on princess?" Dad asked I played with my hands I don't know why I felt so nervous "well for the past few months I've been having thoughts from when I was with my mom remember when I told you about being raped" I told him "princess I'm so sorry tell you what after the baby is born we're gonna pay a visit to one my old friends I feel so terrible for leaving you with your mother all these years I left her while she was pregnant with you and I'm really sorry" dad apologized he felt so bad for me we hugged before going back inside

It was night now, so Justin, Hailey, Trevor, and Marie went back home they were all sleeping peacefully that was until Marie woke up screaming and crying "baby baby calm down what's wrong I'm here" Trevor said trying to calm Marie down but Marie just fell in his arms and cried, he yelled for Justin telling him what happened "it's like Rick traumatized my daughter and Selena let it happen"

Trevor's POV

Sleeping peacefully with my wife when I was woken up by screaming and crying I looked over and seen my now 7 month pregnant wife up crying

"Babygirl what's wrong?" I asked her she just fell in my arms crying lucky my door was open I yelled for Justin while I was still trying to comfort my wife "what's going on?" My father-in-law asked I don't even know but I do remember yesterday at our gender reveal that she was talking to her dad about her flashbacks she keeps having "they won't stop I had another one" I heard my wife say into my chest

"I'm calling my friend tomorrow for help this has got to stop this isn't good for the baby" Justin said going over to kiss Marie "I'm sorry I'm like this" my baby girl apologized aww this has got to stop I hate seeing my baby like this
After our daughter is born I'm gonna do everything I can even if it means facing Selena and Rick again "should we inform Jason about this situation"  I asked

Marie was now in the bathroom looking at herself in the mirror "what is wrong with me I'm sorry baby girl I'm trying to be strong for you because I don't wanna lose you" she placed her hand on her belly she just slid down the wall crying

My wife has been in the bathroom for at least 3 hours now I'm getting worried we are definitely going to find out what's going on with her no matter how long it takes

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