Don't hold your breath for me

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Carly's POV
<2 months later>

I forgot how much being pregnant sucks. I'm tired all the time and thank god I'm done with the first trimester because my morning sickness has been awful.

It's been really hard for both me and Michael to not tell anyone, but I'm just being cautious. I don't wanna get everyone's hope's up in case something happens.

I'm currently in my room getting ready for my doctor's appointment when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and go directly to my stomach.

I turn around and see a smile on Michael's face. I give him a quick kiss and he sticks out his bottom lip.

"One more?" He asks. I roll my eyes and give him another quick kiss. "It really sucks I can't come with you."

"I know, but as soon as I have this ultrasound, we can start telling people."

"Wait, seriously?"

"They say after twelve weeks, you're less likely to miscarry."

"God I'm so happy I won't have to keep this secret anymore. The guys can tell I'm hiding something."

"Well it won't be much longer. I'm also gonna take Jaxson so he can see his little sibling." Michael smiles and goes to kiss me again, but we're both interrupted when Ashton yells,

"Come on Mike, we're gonna be late!"

"Go, don't keep them waiting." I tell him. He kisses my cheek before running out of the room and downstairs. I finish getting ready and go into Jaxson's room.

I wake him up and start getting him ready. We both walk down the stairs and go into the kitchen so I can make us breakfast.

It feels weird not having everyone here. The house feels so empty and quiet without them.

After Jaxson and I eat, it's pretty close to when I have to leave so we sit and watch TV for a little bit. "Come on Jax, let's go." I say as I get up off the couch. He gets up too and starts skipping to the front door.

I've always loved how happy he is. No matter what, he always has a smile on his face.

I open the front door, making sure to grab my keys on the way out, and lock the door. I unlock my car and open the door for Jaxson. He climbs in the car and buckles himself in his carseat.

I get in the car after making sure he's secure and start it.

We get to the doctor's office and I get myslef checked in with Jaxson standing close by my side. We sit down in the waiting room and I hand him my phone to keep him calm and entertained.

"Carly Haze?" I hear.

"Come on Jax." I say as he hands me my phone. We walk into the doctor's office and I sit down on the table. I have to wait a little bit, but it's no big deal.

Hi, you must be Carly. I'm Doctor Mary and who's this cute little guy?" She asks.

"That's my son Jaxson."

"He's very adorable. I'm guessing you already know the drill. I'm gonna have you lift up your shirt and then I'm gonna put some cold gell on your stomach. You'll feel a little bit of pressure, but it shouldn't be too much." I do exactly what she says and she puts the cold gell stuff on me.

I look at her and she smiles as she looks at everything. She then turns the monitor towards me and I see the baby that's growing inside me. My eyes start to fill with tears. "Everything looks really good and," she then turns something on and we both hear a heart beat, "your baby's heart beat is strong."

"You'd think after doing this before, I wouldn't be so emotional." I say as I look at the screen with tears running down my face.

"It's perfectly okay to be emotional. You could also just blame your hormones too." She says with a light laugh causing me to chuckle.

After my doctor's appointment, I take Jaxson to a restaurant so we can talk. We get our food and both start eating.

"I wanted to tell you something Jax." He looks at me as he shoves a slice of his pizza in his mouth, just like his dad does. "So in a few months you're going to have a little brother or sister. How does that sound?" I ask him.

"I hope it's a sister."

"You do?" I ask. He nods his head and I smile. I'm not sure what I want the gender to be. I guess it doesn't matter to me, as long as they're healthy and happy, that's all that matters.

After lunch, we head back to the house and I see that they guys are already home.

When Jaxson and I walk in, Michael is quick to pull me into the kitchen.

"So, how did it go?" He asks. I pull out the ultrasound pictures from my bag and hand them to him. He looks at them and puts his hand over his mouth.

"We can tell the guys now. Everything is good with the baby and I know we can't hide it for much longer."

"I'll go get them, but I can't believe we're having another baby." 

"Me either. Now go get them because I'm really excited to tell them." He happily runs up the stairs and soon comes down with everyone.

They all sit down on the couch, including Jaxson, and Michael and I stand in front of them.

"Okay I just wanna say that you two have been acting really weird so I hope you're gonna talk about that." Calum says.

"Hopefull this will clear some things up." I say as I set the picture down on the table. Ashton picks it up and takes a look at it before quickly looking back up at Micheal and I.

"Is this real?" He asks.

"It's very real Ash." I say with a smile. He then stands up and pull me into a tight hug.

"I'm so happy for you two!" He says happily. He pulls away from me and hugs Michael. Luke and Calum do the same and we all spend the rest of the day watching movies while Michael and I cuddle on the couch.

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