All these feelings don't mean shit to me

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Michael's POV

It's been a few days since Jaxson's therapy appointment and I'm supposed to bring him to Carly's house because she said she wanted him back in a few days to check on him. 

I'm in the living room gathering up his things when Jaxson and Ashton come down the stairs. 

"Hey guys." I say with a smile. Jaxson hops on the couch and Ashton walks over to me. 

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"I have to take Jaxson to Carly's house. She wants to spend a few days with him since I've had him for a few days."

"Are you guys gonna-"

"Can we not talk about this with him sitting right there?"

"Right. We can talk when you get back." I finish packing up Jaxson's things and hold my hand out. 

"Come on Jax, let's go to mommy's house." He excitedly gets up and grabs my hand. "I'll be back in a few." Ashton nods and Jaxson and I walk out of the house. 

I open the car door and Jaxson climbs into the back seat. I help buckle him and then shut the door. I open the trunk and set is stuff inside. I shut it and get into the car. I drive to Carly's house and get Jaxson and his stuff out of the car. 

We walk up to the door and I ring the door bell. When the door opens, I see a guy who's only in a towel. 

"Can I help you?"He asks. 

"I-I must have the wrong-"

"Who's at the- Micheal-Jaxson." Carly says as she comes from behind the guy. She's fully clothed, but her hair is wet. I carefully push Jaxson behind me and the guy starts talking to Carly.

"Who is this and why does he have a kid with him?" I give Carly a shocked look and she quickly answers. 

"Adam honey, can you give me a minute?" 

"Fine, but don't keep me waiting any longer." He kisses her cheek and she steps out of her house and shuts the door.

"What the hell Micheal. You're supposed to call me before you come over here."

"I wasn't told that and who the hell was that?" 

"That was my-Adam."

"Well your 'Adam' clearly didn't know about me or your child."

"Well it's a little hard to explain a child who I hid from his dad for five years."

"You just did."

"Just take him back to your place and keep him there for another day or two." She goes to walk away, but I grab her arm. I notice her face twitch a little with pain, so I let her arm go.

"Why can't he stay?"

"Micheal, just-" The door opens and out walks the guy from before.

"Come on Carly." 

"Micheal please." I can see the look in her eyes and it's honestly concerning.

"Okay, but you-"

"Thank you." She turns around and walks back into the house. Her 'boyfriend' gives me a look before shutting the door. I turn back to Jaxson. 

"Hey bud, change of plans. You're gonna come back to the house with me and stay for another day or two."

"Okay, but can mommy come?" I bend down to his level. 

"You can see her in a day or two, I promise." He nods his head and runs back to the car. I stand up, but I can't shake the feeling that something's going on with Carly. I walk over to my car, buckle Jaxson in, and get in myself, putting Jaxson's stuff in the passenger seat. 

Stuck With You :||: Sequel to StingWhere stories live. Discover now