I know we've ran out of things we can say

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Carly's POV

I tap on my steering wheel to the beat of Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes as I go to pick up Jaxson. I'm a little nervous to see the guys again since I haven't seen them in five years and I did drop a pretty big thing.

I pull into the driveway and get out of my car. It's almost completely dark and I know that both Jaxson and Michael must be exhausted.

I make my way up to the door and ring the doorbell. I stand there and wait until I hear someone coming. The door open and I'm face to face with Calum.

"Carly!" He says surprised.

"Can I come in?" I ask. He nods his head and opens the door more so I can walk in. When I do, I see some of Jaxson's toys scattered around the room and talking coming from the living room.

I walk into the living room and see that the TV is on and Jaxson is curled up next to Michael. I smile at the sight.

Jaxson notices me standing there and quickly gets up, causing Michael to wake up. He attacks me with a hug and I pick him up. "I see you two had quite the day."

"I didn't know how tiring he was gonna be."

"He's got a lot of energy for a tiny human." I look around the place and set Jaxson on his feet. He runs back to the couch and starts to watch TV again. "Do you need help cleaning up?" I awkwardly ask.

"S-sure." He says as he stands up. Both of us continue to clean and I start to talk.

"So, where's Ash and Luke?" I ask, tryingnto strike up a conversation.

"Ashton went up to his room and I think Luke went out."

"You seemed to have fun with Jaxson."

"Yeah I did. You're right, he is a really good kid. He's well mannered and well behaved for a five year old."

"It comes naturally to him. I didn't have to teach him anything like that."

"He really likes pizza." He says with a smile.

"He gets that from you." I say jokingly. I hear footsteps and look up to see Ashton coming down the stairs.

"Carly, long time no see." He says as he pulls me into a tight hug.

"It's good to see you too. I see you've grown out your hair a little."

"Yeah, it's a new thing I'm trying out."

"Do you mind helping out?" Michael asks him.

"Not at all." Between the three of us, we get the house cleaned up in a matter of minutes. I grab Jaxson's toy bag and hold out my hand.

"Come on Jax, let's go home." 

"But I wanna stay here with daddy." He says as he sticks out his bottom lip.

"You're gonna stay with mommy for the night and I'll bring you back over here first thing in the morning, sound good?" He nods his head and get up off the couch.

I grabs my hand and Michael walks us to the car. I get Jaxson all situated in his car seat and shut the back door.

"Thanks for letting me see him."

"You don't have to thank me, he's your kid."

"I'm gonna go shopping tomorrow with him so he can pick out stuff for hi-"

"If your going to ask if he can stay once his room is done the answer is yes. You're his dad, I trust you." I see a small smile creep up on his face. I've missed him a lot over these past few years, but I know it's too much too soon right now.

He then turns and walks back into the house. I get into the car and see that Jaxson is sound asleep in his seat. I smile and start the car.

I drive us back to my apartment and tuck Jaxson in. After I do that, I go into the living room and sit on the couch. Jaxson tends to have pretty bad nightmares so I always have to be alert when I first out him down.

Tonight was different though. He didn't wake up, he didn't scream, and he didn't crawl into my bed after I got in it. It's the first night in months that he slept through which brings me relief.

Stuck With You :||: Sequel to StingWhere stories live. Discover now