I don't know what feels true

14 2 1

Michael's POV

After I wake up, I make my way downstairs. I walk over to the fridge and grab a piece of leftover pizza and start making coffee. 

"What are you doing up so early?" I hear Ashton ask.

"I'm waiting for Carly to drop off Jaxson. She texted me and told me that she's on her way with him."

"What are your plans with him today?" He asks while sitting down at the table. 

"I'm going to take him shopping so we can get a few things for his room. Also is it okay if the spare bedroom becomes his room?"

"Of course Michael. Aren't you worried about you getting pictured with him? I mean Luke was out last night and they wouldn't leave him alone. It took him an extra hour just to get home." 

"No, I-I didn't really think about it. The public is kinda the last thing on my mind."

"Well just be careful. I don't want something bad happening to either of you."

"Thanks Ash. I'll probably just call Dave for an escort."

"That might be a good idea." As I start pouring my coffee, I hear a car door shut. I set down the coffee pot and walk over to the door. I walk outside and see Carly getting Jaxson out of the car. She sets him down and he runs to me pulling me into a hug. 

"He's been so excited to see you." She says with a smile. He lets go of me and I bend down to his level. 

"I've been excited to see you too buddy. Ready to get stuff for your room?" I ask him. He excitedly nods his head and I stand up. "Go inside so I can talk to mommy." 

"Okay." He says happily. He runs inside and I start to talk to Carly as she's putting his car seat in my car.  

"So, when do you want him back?" I ask. 

"If you get his room done today, he can stay with you for the night, but there's somethings I need to tell you if he does stay over."

"Okay." I say a little confused. 

"Jaxson tends to have really bad nightmares and usually wakes up crying and if they're really bad, he'll scream. Sometimes I can easily get him to go back to sleep, but other times I have to stay up with him for hours."

"How long has he been doing this?" 

"A few years now. It started when he was two and it's been any every night thing except for last night. He slept all the way through the night without waking up or crawling into my bed. I just thought I should let you know because it's kinda an important thing and I don't want you to be alarmed."

"What do I do if he does that?" I ask. 

"I lay with him until he falls back asleep and stay a few minutes."

"Thanks for telling me." I say with a smile. 

"Yeah, of course. Well I have to go so I'll see you when I see you." She says. I smile and she walks back to the driver's side of her car. She gets in, starts it, and drives away. 

I walk into the house and see that Jaxson is sitting on the counter and Ashton is giving him some grapes. I smile at the sight and walk over to them. 

"I'm going to take a quick shower, so can you keep him occupied until I'm done?" I ask him.

"Yeah sure. He's been quietly eating his grapes, so I'm pretty sure I can manage." I kiss Jaxson on the cheek and he smiles. I then walk up stairs and grab some fresh clothes from my room before heading in the bathroom and showering. 

When I get done, I walk back downstairs and see Luke's now with Jaxson. I get confused when I don't see Ashton, but I don't mind that he's with Luke. 

"Ash had to deal with something, but I made sure to keep him happy." He says. 

"That's okay. Just as long as someone was watching him, then that's fine." I say as I sit down on the couch and start putting my shoes on. 

"Where are you going?" Luke asks. 

"I'm going to head to a few places with Jax so he can pick out stuff for his room."

"Do you want someone to go with you?" He asks. 

"I could use the company." I say back. 

"Let me grab my shoes and I'll be down in a sec." 

"Alright." He gets up and runs up the stairs. This is the first time I've ever been completely alone with Jaxson and it still feels unreal that this sweet little boy is my child. Carly really did raise him right. 

Luke comes down the stairs a few minutes later and we head all head off.  

As soon as we get to the store we get out of the car and grab a cart. I pick up Jaxson and put him in the little seat in the front and we head in.

I'm a little nervous that someone's going to notice Luke and I and then point out Jaxson.

I'm not sure how Carly feels about him being in the public eye, but she knows that it's inevitably going to happen.

We walk to the bed section and I take Jaxson out of the cart. I bend down to his level. "Okay Jax, you're going to pick out a bed that you like." He nods his head and races over to a bed that has trucks on it.

"Daddy! Daddy! I want this one." He says as he bounces up and down and points at the bed. The bed had a simple white frame, but I'm pretty sure he's only interested in the bedding.

"Okay, we'll get this one." I say. Luke grabs an employee and we show them what Jaxson picked out. They told us that it'd be shipped to our house as soon as possible, so we moved on to the next thing on our list and that was toys.

We go to the toy aisle and I see Jaxson's face light up. Luke and I show him different toys that he might like and he's quiet particular about what he likes. 

He really loves trucks, but hates the ones that make noise. We end up buying a lot of toys for him and a lot of clothes too. We'll work on getting the other stuff later, but for now, we have a place where he can sleep comfortably. 

Stuck With You :||: Sequel to StingWhere stories live. Discover now