IG models are LIARS

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Sup hoes

Your favorite IG model is LYING to you. This isn't even only the IG girlies, it's the rappers too.

1. Renting Louis bags and Ferrari's
These Insta personalities aren't as rich as y'all think they are. Most of these women are renting out purses and vehicles. Most of the time when you see a rapper giving their BM a Birkin or Lamborghini truck, that shit is either through an agency that pays them to promote them or rented.

Also, many things these girls wear are KNOCKOFFS. Remember when I did a chapter about how IG companies are using the SAME clothing vendors that sell those LV and Dior swimsuits? There's absolutely no originality. Also, how do you want me to support a black business when you're literally selling knockoffs and using wholesale AliExpress products that everyone is selling?

I don't know who needs to hear this but just because your IG fave has a cute little lash business and is convincing you to leave your 9-5 to start a company, doesn't mean you're gonna be making bank.

Yes, it's great that so many young people are staring their own businesses but there's absolutely no competition or originality. Y'all are selling the same little lashes and popsicle lip gloss.

I'm tired of seeing those ugly ass blue cookie pajamas that EVERY "boutique" sells.

2. So here's the real TEA
Trigger Warning: Disturbing tea
Okay so here's the truth...
Y'all ever wonder how these IG girlies are living a luxurious lifestyle while having no job except promo???

Let's talk about Dubai. Dubai is the home to many men to have weird ass fetishes. I don't intend to disrespect anyone's culture but here's the tea.

Many women from Dubai are Muslim. Now let's be real, most of those women aren't gonna sleep with random men or do sexual favors for these men because of their religion.

Soooo... since those men don't have access to these women, they prey on IG models. Why? Because they know that IG models need the money and want luxurious items.

So what are these girls doing? These girls are going to Dubai, having sex orgies, getting trains ran on them, fucking numerous men in a day, and.....


Yes, you heard that right. These girls are letting men shit in their mouths. FECES.

If you don't believe me, there's TONS of videos on YouTube talking about this.

Now I'm not saying this is every IG model cause it's not. But you didn't hear it from me chile.

3. Babymama Drama and no good Rappers
People love to fantasize women like Jayda, Ari Fletcher (Thomas the Train), & Ella Bands and it's WEIRD.

I think people love these women because they see themselves in them. These women are unmarried baby mamas got keep getting dogged out by their baby daddies. Most rappers BM get cheated on and constantly humiliated and they go back to them.

It's like a Cardi B & Offset thing. Like yes Cardi could break up with Offset but who could she go to next? She's not gonna leave the luxurious lifestyle to go to someone who makes less than her.

These women aren't gonna leave their luxurious lifestyle go back to someone who can't provide for them.

Also, you guys have to consider that these women are having a TON of sex. If you want a "loyal" rapper as a bf, you can to fuck them whenever they want. Most of the time these rappers aren't being loyal so imagine the health risk that comes with dating these dudes.

4. Is it a worth your mental health?
If you want to become a influencer, you have to really think about what that comes with.

a) You're gonna get a ton of hate comments.
b) People could steal your pics and make catfish accounts or use your image for creepy things.
c) You have to constantly think about keeping up your image and looking good most of the time.
d) Its so easy to be forgotten so you have to be consistent.

These influencers are only showing you a happy part of their life. Y'all are saying goals to someone who is showing you the superficial and not what's actually going on in their life. Some of these people are depressed or miserable. Having a large following won't make you any happier.

Please do not think I'm talking about IG models or influencers. Not everyone falls victim into what I'm talking about.
Anyways, tell me what y'all think.

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