troyce tv SHUT THE FUCK UP

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So I never thought I'd talk shit about one of my favorite youtubers but the time has come. When it's time to get dragged, you gonna get dragged.

So Troyce just uploaded a problematic ass unpopular opinions video and I got some things to say.

I understand that these are his UNPOPULAR opinions but I have the right to criticize them.

1. Off topic but how the fuck does he not clean his chicken. He literally didn't even run water through it. Straight outta the package. Disgusting.

2. He claimed that gentrification was a good thing and I have so many issues with that. Gentrification is not good thing TroyceTv. It's the reason why people are becoming homeless, it's the reason why people are working 2-3 jobs, it's the reason why people are losing their businesses. You contradicted yourself by saying "I don't want to help the rich get richer" but you support gentrification? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.

In that same exact video you say "black people don't support black businesses" but then say you support gentrification. Okay dumbass.

2. "Cardi B deserves more credit"
Are you fucking dumb? Cardi B is a fucking mediocre karaoke "rapper" who has a machine pushing her. You're obviously saying things just to say things. I could come up with a rap song better than that bird.

3. "J.Lo is a legend"
Nah you mean Ashanti is a legend. We all know that J.Lo can't sing for shit and Ashanti was the one singing on them tracks. Fuck that J.Lo bitch.

4. Kaitilyn Bennett
The fact that you watch that bitch says a lot already. That bitch is a TERRIBLE human being and stop making excuses for her. I hate her ugly Trump supporter ass.

5. "Kim K is a legend"
Jesus Christ. I'm not even gonna say anything cause the statement itself sounds dumb asf.

6. "Mariah Carey is the best vocalist alive"
Ummm this could've been true in the 90s. Actually no because Whitney was still alive during that time. But Mariah is the not the best vocalist alive right now. Not trying to say she makes bad music but sis can't hit a note live at all. Love Mariah but this ain't it.

7. "Queen Naija could've been the next Aaliyah or Brandy"
Is it crack? Crack you smoke? Yes she could've been big but not on that Aaliyah status. Her songs are ducking boring asf.

Troyce you full of shit for this video.

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