black lives matter

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hey you guys, i'm not going to touch on the people who died but I'm going to have a quick rant really quick.

#1. Stop with the All Lives Matter shit

This goes for you Asians , whites, non black Hispanics, Indians, and others, stop using this tome to promote your race. When black people are trying to protest injustice, this isn't the time to say "well Hispanics go through injustice too" SHUT UP. Shut up. Use your own platform to campaign your own problems. Stop piggybacking off black peoples trying to make a change.

Also if you say All Lives Matter under this point, you're gonna get blocked and I will delete your comment. Fuck that shit.

#2. Target getting looted.

Who the fuck cares that Target is getting looted? Target supports the Minneapolis Police Station so who the fuck cares. Target is a billion dollar company and they'll be fine. I'm glad that shit got looted and fuck that Wheelchair Wendy bitch who was stabbing people for taking shit. Stop defending a billion dollar company that doesn't give a shit about you. FUCK CAPTIALISM.

#3. Trauma Porn

Please stop posting/reposting videos of black people dying. At this point it's so fucking disrespectful and it reveals a lot of true characters. White people really need a video of Black people dying to say Black Lives Matter and it's disgusting. Many people get off on seeing this type of shit.

#4. "Spreading Awareness"

There's no such thing as spreading awareness of blm in 2020. Y'all need to start protesting and start supporting black businesses. Tweeting and posting shit on your IG means nothing. Take some fucking action.

#5. Celebrities

Who the fuck cares about what a celebrity has to say right now? Y'all need to stop sucking these peoples dicks. You don't need Beyoncé to tell you this shit ain't right. You don't need Kim Kardashian to make a post about this shit. USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN. Most of these rich assholes are only doing it for publicity and cause y'all are forcing them too.

#6. Black Women Exist

I'm honestly disgusted  by any forms of police brutality but let's stop the erasure of black women. Breonna Taylor was shot 8 times by police officers and they didn't give her the amount of coverage other black men got. Black women are always the first at protest but we're constantly being ignored.

#7. Black on Black Crime

Black on black crime doesn't exist. Crime depends on socioeconomic and opportunity. It's just a stupid concept created to make people believe that black people hurt each more. Do y'all ever hear white on white crime? Mexican on Mexican crime? It's a fucking myth used to paint Black people as dangerous and destructive. White America has a new form of slavery, called prison, and they're locking up innocent Black people and keeping them in cages for prolonged sentences. Making them do labor in those prisons without pay.

#8. You don't get a cookie

I don't know who needs to hear this but if you're non black and you post/support Black Lives Matter, you don't get a cookie. You're not a special snowflake. We don't fucking care that you support HUMAN rights. Also stop claiming yourself as an ally, you don't get to determine that.



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