hailey baldwin get a job

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i couldn't give a damn what her new last name is but it ain't working.

if you don't know my girl as told by kenya made a video and she rightfully dragged hailey baldwin and this dumb bitch saw the video and said "i've never seen someone so mad" or some shit like that. and patty (justin's mom) agreed with hailey.

ms. patty please leave us alone and go do some old people shit cause you're too annoying to be on twitter.

now hailey.......


you're married to the biggest pop star in the world and even that can't save your flop career. you literally have two famous last names and not one of them has helped you.

you're so irrelevant and you're only talked about when you're hanging with the jenners or it's some mess involving jelena.

girl if you were booked and busy, you would've never saw kenya's video but since you have nothing going on for you, you found it.

your modeling career is a joke. you have no personality. so basically you're a FLOP.

you and justin look perfect together cause you're both WHITE TRASHHH

and the fact that and selena have beef is HILARIOUS. why both of you fighting? you're both flops that contribute nothing to society or pop culture.


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