Chapter 9

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I go outside and see Elsa underneath the tree, as always. "Mind if I join you?" I ask her as I look down to her.
"You can sit here." She says patting the grass beside her.
"Your story was interesting Jack. I thought.. How about you read the comment I wrote?"
"Yeah, yours was interesting as well, you can read my comment too if you want."

"I put it into my locker, I always do that with my things right after the lesson and just before I go home I get everything.. So i dont have it here."
"Thats smart, ok I'll just read it." We both sit there in silence, me reading and she listening to some music.

Elsa wrote:
Your punctuation and grammar is excellent, you have no spelling mistakes. The two characters in your story are a catpillar and a butterfly, they're actually the same animal, they just have a different age.
With their age comes knowledge, which you show in your dialogue as well because the butterfly tries to teach the catpillar something he learned. This is a moral message found within your story.

Another message is that you shouldn't let your fear or negative thoughts take control of you, because then you may never see what true potential you hold. This is shown because the catpillar doesn't get to see that he could've gotten to be a butterfly, he loses hope because of his own negative thoughts.

The last message I found is that you should find happiness from within and not let it depend on the way you look and your environment. The catpillar sees the butterfly and thinks he could never be as beautiful as him. But if his happiness wouldn't depend on the outside world and the way he looks, he probably would've survived to live a long, happy life and he even would've known that what the butterfly told him is true, he would've gotten to be a butterfly.

Your story is interesting and holds positive messages, even though it has a sad ending.

"As you can see, my comment is a little longer than the teacher expected us to write it but.. I just had to write my thoughts down, I had enough time so.. I did." Elsa says when she sees that I'm finished reading.
I didn't even think about my story that much.. She saw more in it than I did even though I wrote it.. Well, if I had thought about it a little more I could've seen the messages as well of course but it's fascinating how quickly she interpreted my story.

"Don't worry Elsa, your comment is great, thank you I for it, I even didn't realise some of the messages I put in it.. I must've done that subconsciously."
Wait a minute. The last message. That's exactly what Elsa is like. She seems like she's happy from within, she doesn't depend about her environment for it.. She does care about her environment but she herself is the one who is her source of happiness.

"Thank you Jack. Your writing style is good as well, I didn't write about that in the comment but you could be an author. You can see that you like reading books."
"Oh thanks." I tell her. After some thinking she says
"You know, I just realized, the last message in your story I mentioned in my comment.. It really gets to me."

"Elsa I think you're the one who inspired me to write it in there. You're exactly like that.. You're just happy from within. You don't depend on others for your own happiness. You're inspiring you know that?" And really special.
She blushes.. I can see it but she looks on the floor, I can sense she's nervous, so I look at the sky to take some pressure off her.

"Thank you.. You're really kind you know that?" She says. I continue looking at the sky and feel myself blushing as well. I chuckle nervously.
We both stay silent for a while, not looking at each other.. Is this awkward or peaceful now?

Then Elsa says "When I think about it the snowman in my story kind of fits to that message as well.. Alice, the younger child believes in it. You could take the message and say she believes in happiness from within. Her sister, Lacy doesn't believe in it anymore. too many negative thoughts have blocked her mind. She thinks she has to get something, to be different to really feel happy.

Maybe every child has had that happiness, but eventually as you grow older you experience something that makes you think, I can't be happy unless this or that happens. You forget about the happiness from within. Who the snowman could be a symbol for."
That's exactly what I wrote in my comment, I think, just explained more detailed.
"I'm sorry, I'm philosophing, I tend to do that when.. When I'm nervous" She says
"Don't apologize, it's interesting and I actually wrote exactly the same in my comment. Well not exactly the same you said but I wrote down the same message."
"Really?" Her eyes are big in surprise as she looks at me.
"Yeah, you could say our stories.. They share a message.."

We both smile at each other before I turn my face again to look at the sky. I feel this connection to her. There has to be a reason for it.. Then I remember. What about the mission? I have to get to know her. She has to completely trust me so I can know she's the one I'm looking for.

I look back at her and notice her staring at me.. Wait her staring at me? Usually I'm the one who does that, does she think I'm.. pretty? She looks to the floor, I do so too. Get to know her.. She won't have a problem with that right? But her aunt might. She also promised me that we would watch a movie together so what about..

"Elsa, do you think you could come over to my place some time? I completely understand if it's not possible because of your aunt, she doesn't like you spending time with your own sister after all.." I ask Elsa.
"My aunt really wouldn't like that, but it has never been a problem to me since I never wanted to meet up with someone.."
So.. She doesn't want to meet up with me? I feel sadness and fear rising inside of me.

"But I really want to meet up with you. I know my aunt wouldn't support it but this Friday evening until Sunday morning she and Anna will be gone to visit our grandparents. I don't go with them because I went last time, you know, our aunt doesn't let Anna and me travel together.. Anyway I suppose I could go to your place on Saturday morning? We would actually have the whole day then, I just have to make sure I clean up the house on Friday evening, but that should be no problem."

"That would be amazing!" I tell her, excited,
"I'm sorry though that you don't even get to travel with your sister, that's sad.."
"I'm used to it, besides we can meet up because of that actually, so it's not completely bad." Seeing the good in every situation and not letting others drag her down. That's the Elsa I know, I think as I nod.
Then the bell rings.
"Ok, it's set then, this Saturday. Im going to write down my address on this small paper. But what time is morning to you, I usually sleep in longer on the weekends.." I tell her as I write the address down.
"I like to do that too.. how about 12am?" "Sounds perfect, hey how about we eat breakfast together?" I tell her as I give her the piece of paper.

We both stand up and start walking towards our class.
"That sounds lovely. I can help you cook if you want. And maybe we could watch a movie then, Ill bring my laptop with me" Elsa tells me. She remembered our conversation at the park!
"Sure, I can't wait!" I tell her as we arrive at the class
"Me too." She tells me and we enter the room.

The Moons Mission /Jack Frost and Elsa Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now