Chapter 33

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A hand pushed Miles down on something soft in an uncomfortable position. He went back to a more comfortable position and looked up and saw Gwen standing there with a smirk.

"You should of seen your face when I pushed you down. It looked like your mouth was in about vacuum."

"Ha ha, very funny. You're hilarious." Miles said as he grabbed a cup of water from the stand next to his hospital bed

"I like to call it mischievously humorous."

"You're the worst." Miles groaned.

"And yet you love me." Gwen replied with a playful smirk.

"Unfortunately." Miles said in a joking voice.

Gwen giggled before kissing Miles. They kissed each other until they needed to pull away for air. They were about to kiss again before a siren began to blare. Miles was extremely disappointed about this but tried his best to not show it. He didn't succeed and Gwen saw the disappointment on his face. "Don't worry I'll be back soon."

"K, don't get hurt."

"Look who's talking." She said before giggling.

"Rude." Miles said with a hurt face before playfully punching her on the arm. "But before you go, who's gonna protect your dimension now that you're in mine?"

"Crime rates are extremely low now so the cops can take care of it."

"Oh, ok. Well just don't get hurt, last thing I need is you to end up like me."

Gwen tapped her face and displayed mock confusion. "I wonder how that could happen."

The two were sitting on the top of the Empire State Building and looking at the sun as it set. Gwen had her head on Miles' shoulder and was half asleep as Mikes looked at her and thought about how lucky he was. Miles sat with Gwen silently and soaked up the beautiful sun as its rays hugged him with their warmth. He looked over and saw Gwen start moving.

"What are you doing." Miles asked.

Gwen took out a piece of paper from her pocket and gave it to Miles. Miles took it and was shocked to see what it was. It was a drawing. A beautiful drawing. It was a picture of their first kiss on this building with the sun shining brightly behind them.

"I was going to give it to you when you were at the hospital but never got the chance so I decided to give it to you now. Its nowhere as good as your work but I tried my best. I hope you like it." Gwen said with her head half down unsure of what his reaction would be. She didn't think she did that good of a job.

"Gwen, I don't like it." Miles eventually said.

"You don't?"


"Oh." Gwen began to turn around to try to hide her tears. She didn't think it was good but it still broke her heart when she heard that. If the drawing wasn't good enough for him, did that mean she wasn't good enough for him?

Miles quickly turned Gwen around and quickly kissed her after seeing that she was crying and realized he probably shouldn't have stopped talking. After they pulled away Miles continued talking. "Gwen I don't like it I love it. It's beautiful. I didn't know you could draw so well." Gwen immediately pulled Miles into a longer, more passionate kiss than the previous.

"I'm so glad you love it. I didn't think I did that well."

"Gwen, everything you do is perfect because you're perfect. Don't ever think otherwise."

A huge smile grew on Gwen and she brought him in to kiss him again.

Please don't let this end Miles thought.

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