Chapter 32

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Miles could barely pay attention to any of the lectures that his teachers were giving. So much had happened in the last 24 hours and it was all he could think about. All he wanted to do was start searching for the hideout they were in, not sit in a boring class and learn about physics.

Finally, after time was barely even crawling, all the classes were finally over. All he had to do now is finish his homework then he could start looking for the hideout again.

Miles's headphones were blasting music as he walked down the hallway and got to his dorm. He unlocked the door and walked in backwards to lay down his backpack beside the door. He turned around and was shocked to see Cindy already standing in his room.

"Agh! What are you doing here already? I thought it wasn't till later!"

"Plans changed. They're both on to us. They're watching us somehow. We need to find them now before this gets even worse. Suit up. I'll be outside."

She jumped out of the window, leaving Miles standing there confused. He shook his head and put on his suit and joined her at the side of the building.

"Cindy, what's going on?"

Cindy hesitated to find the right words to tell the dream. She did her best to explain it all but it still sounded confusing. Miles stayed silent once she finished to try and comprehend everything she just said.

"How do you know it's just a weird dream and nothing serious?" He eventually asked.

"I don't know." Cindy admitted. "But seeing everything that these two are doing, we can't take any chances. We need to get going, now."

She swung off before Miles could say anything. He had to swing hard in order to catch up and go even harder to keep her pace. Red flags were glaring from Cindy's explanation of the dream, but it didn't seem that she wanted any advice from Miles so he kept his mouth shut.

The search went on for hours and went on well into the night. The two were on the brink of giving up until they finally spotted a warehouse that was abandoned for a while but somehow was still in great shape.

"Seems like a decent location for a hideout." Cindy said. "Let's check it out. Be on high alert. Anything could happen."

Miles nodded and followed her as she crept inside through a small open window near the back on the right side. Every other window was closed and barricaded. Inside was pure darkness. The only source of light in the whole warehouse was the sliver of moonlight that entered from the opened window and even that seemed to be swallowed up by the pit of darkness and disappeared.

"Lets split up. See if we can cover more ground and find something quicker." Cindy whispered. She didn't give enough time for a response before crawling down the wall towards the left.

Despite not thinking that splitting up was smart, Miles still went the opposite direction that she went and started to look around. It took a while for his eyes to adjust to the almost blinding darkness. It didn't feel right to Miles how dark it was in here and if it did indeed contain the hideout of Mysterio and Shadow, he had no doubt that they had something to do with the pitch darkness.

A clang came from the other side of the building and startled Miles's nerves. He looked at the direction the sound came from but obviously couldn't see anything.

"Cindy?" Miles risked calling out. "Was that you?"

No response came and his heart began to pound. He was in no way ready to face Mysterio and Shadow again without any help and seeing those chilling red eyes would strike fear to anyone, no matter how brave.

Miles slowly walked towards the other direction. Each step was taken with a look to the left and to the right. Soon his foot against something metal on the floor. He looked down but again couldn't see a thing. He used his hands to feel what was in front of him. Something squishy and soft came into contact with his hands. He moved around and bumped into something stiff and cold.

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