Chapter 12

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Morlun appeared inside of a large, castle like building. He walked to a large room while carrying Gwen's body. When he got there, he threw her body into the room and barricade it. She lay there on the floor when she suddenly opened her eyes.
Miles got back to his room and started sobbing in his bed. She's gone. The one person that truly ever made him happy, is gone. Dead. And he did nothing. He just saw her die there as he just layer there.

Miles kept sobbing until his sadness eventually turned into anger. He got off of his bed as he punched his mirror and shattered the glass. He didn't care that he started to bleed, he deserved it. Suddenly his mind seemed like it was angry at him as it taunted him and made him see Morlu sneering at him in the mirror. He kept punching the mirror until he picked it up and threw it on the ground with all the strength he had.

He punched the wall and flopped back onto the bed to cry more when his parents suddenly came in after they heard the loud noise the mirror made. When they walked in all they saw was a broken mirror, blood on the floor near it, and their broken son crying his heart out.

"Mi hijo, what's wrong?" Rio said as she sat down next to him and hugged him.

His dad sat down next to his mom and rubbed Miles' back as he stared heartbroken at his son. "Miles, tell us what happened. We can't help you if you won't tell us."

"You can't help me." Miles sobbed. "She's gone."

Both of his parents knew what he meant when he said that. They both didn't say anything as they continued to comfort their son throughout the night.

The next morning Miles woke up and saw both of his parents asleep next to him. Why are they here? Miles thought when he suddenly remembered what happened the previous day. Sadness washed over him again as he got up and jumped out of the window to swing around.

After 10 minutes, he saw some thugs robbing a store. He swung down and took down the first few thugs. He got to the last one and suddenly his mind pictured him as Morlun. Miles was filled with rage as he leapt to the thug and repeatedly punched him. He kept punching the thug until he realized he was about to kill him. He quickly pulled away, webbed up the thugs and swung away as his rage turned into sadness once again.
---------------------------------------------------------Two weeks ago

Everyone already knew what happened to Gwen by the next week. They held a private funeral with George a few days later. Miles stayed away from the small crowd since he wasn't in the mood to talk.

Two weeks later after they fought Morlun, Miles still was rarely seen. They all tried to comfort him but they all only got a weak "go away" from Miles.

To make matters worse, Miguel had no success in getting help. He was about to try another dimension when Lyla suddenly told him that she found Morlun. He quickly got everyone together and took them all to the dimension that Morlun was at.

When they arrive, they saw a large building that resembled a castle and kicked down the main door. Ham was about to play his horrible saxophone when Miguel quickly snatched it and threw it to the wall.

"Hey..." Ham started to say when Morlun suddenly appeared.

"I had a feeling you would show up again soon. Especially after losing that annoying blonde girl of yours. Quite a pitiful death really." Morlun taunted mainly to Miles. Miles tried his best to stay calm so he won't get killed but felt his anger boiling. "Then again, the pitiful do deserve a pitiful death. At least she had the honor of having an audience." Morlun said as he started to laugh.

That's it. Miles thought. He jumped at Morlun and charged his venom shock but Morlun was prepared for this and punched him which sent him flying towards the wall.

The rest of the spider people started to attack Morlun. He grabbed one of Sp//der's arms and yanked it off and kicked the robot away. Not started shooting him in the head but the bullets did nothing to him as he picked Noir up and hurled him out of the building. He tried to grab Peter but Peter quickly dodged his hand and tried to Web his hand but Morlun teared through the webbing and punched him in the stomach.

Miguel tried the same thing and almost got the same results but avoided the punch. He took out his claws and was able to get a good swipe at Morlun's face. Morlun got furious at this and grabbed Miguel by the throat and tried to choke him but suddenly got shocked. He dropped Miguel and turned to see Miles there who was glowing with electricity again.

"The boyfriend again." He sneered.

"Not a boyfriend anymore thanks to you #####!"

"Once again, mind your language." Morlun taunted him.

"Mind your ### when I whoop it!" Miles shouted as he punched Morlun with tremendous force. Whoa, this glow must make me stronger. Mikes thought. He ran to Morlun and kicked him through a wall and punched him through two more. Morlun fell onto his back as Miles jumped onto him and punched him repeatedly in the face. He jumped up and was about to crush Morlun but got punched back.

"I will not be defeated by a stupid, depressed teenager giving a tantrum!" Morlun shouted as he slammed Miles into the wall. "I will not give you a slow painless death like I gave your idiotic girlfriend, I will give you a slow, painful death as you remember every! Single! One! Of! Your! Failures!" He shouted as he squeezed Miles' throat. Miles tried to kick at Morlun but had no success and was about to suffocate when Morlun suddenly let go of him and got punched by a flying figure.

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