Chapter 19

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Miles had no idea what was going on. He couldn't get over the fact that evil robots were trying to stab all of his friends in the heart while some fire loving idiot and some crazy maniac that decided it was a good idea to team up with Satan himself watched like some kids in a theater and eating popcorn.

He suddenly got snapped out of his trance when he felt something sharp pierce his arm. He turned to see a robot that had one of its swords stuck in his arms. He glared at it and threw the it to a small group of them that were charging at him.

Gwen landed next to him and smashed a robot to pieces before turning to Miles.

"Get back to where the others are! You'll die out here alone!" She shouted and swung away.

Miles followed her and found the rest of the spiders completely surrounded by a bunch of robots and fighting for their very lives. He landed next to Spider U.K. and saved him from being blasted by a robot with a gun and tore another completely in half.

He then stepped in front of a massive crowd of the killing machines and charged his venom shock. He felt his eyes start to glow a little as it started charging as well. That was new. He ignored it and sent the shock to the ground, causing a ripple of energy that was much larger than before and knocked all of the robots away.

Suddenly, a massive mech jumped in front of him and looked at him. A small part of it opened to reveal a face that Miles recognized was the man that was with Morlun. The suit looked intimidating, Miles gave him that, but he wouldn't show any signs of fear from it.

"A massive suit of armor with guns and rockets to fight against heroes that are beating the crap out of your army? Seriously man, how cliche are you? Next you're gonna say some cliche name and reveal a cliche plan." Mike's taunted him and destroyed 5 more bots.

The man glared at him. "Names Maxwell kid. Maxwell Killer. And I'm just here to kill you. That's all. Be glad, I heard Hell isn't half as bad as they say."

"One, I was right, your name is stupid."

"I wasn't looking for a name that would want a 4 year old to grab a lollipop and have me read him stories now would I?"

Miles rolled his eyes but gave no response. "Two, your plan is dumb. Three, I'm pretty sure Hell is horrible if I'm already getting a preview from the devil himself."

Maxwell laughed. "You won't even know the meaning of bad after this is finished. Although, you'll be too dead to know anyways."

"Like I'm supposed to believe that you can kill me with that rust bucket?"

A female voice suddenly interrupted their taunts as Maxwell's suit began to adjust and looked even more menacing.

Kill mode activated. The voice boomed.

"I'm afraid I've been stalling, this suit is now able to adjust to any blow it takes and propel the force back to the attacker. Useful eh?" Maxwell grabbed Miles and slowly squeezed him.

"You really can only think of cliches can you?"

Miles felt that he was about to pop when he felt himself be suddenly let go. He turned to see Cosmic battling Maxwell and was clearly winning. He was about to finish him off and blast the suit to hits but the blast did nothing. The suit started to glow then released a blast of its own at Cosmic. It sent him flying all the way to a large piece of metal and Miles cringed at the noise of cracking. He ran up to him and heard him wheezing for breath as his eyes drooped.

"Cmon Cosmic, get up. You can make it."

He started to cough some blood up and weakly smiled at Miles. "This is it for me, kid. Kind of wish I could have a better death and not just get a few death blows but it's not like we ever get and choice."

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