Chapter 18

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Morlun appeared in front of a rundown building and walked inside of it. He walked inside of a large room that had cardboard boxes scattered all over the floor. Suddenly, he heard a gun click and felt it pointed at him.

"What do you think you're doing here?" A man suddenly growled at him. Morlun quickly grabbed the man's arm and knocked away the gun. He quickly put him into an arm lock until he heard the arm snap. The man started screaming in pain and fell. "Who are you?" He said as he moved around in pain.

"My name is Morlun, and I am to ask for your help."

"I don't do that stuff anymore." The man grumbled as he slowly began to stand.

"What if I told you, that you would have a chance at the sport again?"

The man suddenly looked up. "Are you sure I will?"

"Only if you join me."

The man grinned evil. "I'm in."

3 days later

Miguel and Cindy were now walking around in Earth 2099. Well, more like, Miguel was walking and Cindy was standing still every 10 steps and was being blown away by the futuristic city. Miguel was standing beside her as she watched flying cars pass over them.

"I never knew we would actually be able to make them fly."

Miguel chuckled. "I don't think you want to see the planes then."

"Why, what about them?"

Miguel looked up and saw a plane starting to pass by. "Look up, you'll see soon."

Cindy looked up and saw the plane begin to slow down to a complete stop. It hovered there for a few seconds until, suddenly, it zoomed away in the blink if an eye, not leaving a single trace of it behind.

"TRAVELLING BY LIGHT SPEED IS POSSIBLE!?!?" Cindy nearly screamed.

"What's travelling by light speed?" Miguel asked with a confused face.

"You know, when everything goes blue in Star Wars and they go super quick."

Miguel had an even more confused face. "What's Star Wars?"

Cindy looked at him with complete shock. "You don't know what Star Wars is!?!?"

"Is that the thing where they do that weird thing with their hand?" Miguel lifted his hand up and splitter his ring finger and middle finger apart."

"No, that's Star Trek. Star Wars is the one with the Force and lightsabers."

"Oh hey, we have lightsaber too."

Cindy almost fainted when she heard that. "You do? You need to show me."

"I have one at my house, they're pretty much old school tech now. Everybody likes to use laser guns now."

"Can you show me it, pleeaaase?" Silk may have been an adult, but all she looked like right now was a 4 year old girl that Miguel found really cute.

"Alright, fine, later."

Miguel chuckled and held her hand as they walked down the street.

"Where are we going?" Cindy asked a little bit later.

"You'll see."

Cindy rolled her eyes and kept following him until they arrived to a park. A beautiful one. A park that somehow blended nature and technology together to make a park that was far beautiful than Central Park.

"Wow, it's beautiful." Cindy stared at the sight in shock.

Miguel smiled at her. "It's not the most beautiful thing here."

"What do you mean? It's beautiful." Cindy said and kept staring at the park in amazement. Miguel walked up to her and took her hand in his. "Oh. I'm don't think I look that good though."

Miguel smiled at her. "Trust me, you are."

"Someone's being a little dramatic." Cindy smiled back at him.

"What's wrong with a little drama?"

"Nothing at all." Cindy leaned in and kissed him.

"C'mon, don't you want to see the inside of it?" Cindy laughed and followed Miguel into the park. He showed her all the different looking trees and any robots that were gardening all of the plants.

Eventually, they sat on a bench and enjoyed each other's company until she asked him the question that has been on her mind the whole day.

"Any luck on finding Morlun?" She felt him tense and realized that he wasn't in the mood to talk about the subject.

"Not really. He keeps disappearing every time he shows his ugly face."

"Hopefully, we can kill him soon." She said in a hateful tone.

Miguel was surprises by her tone and looked at her. "You hate him that much?"

"Why shouldn't I? He keeps hurting some of us. He even nearly killed you." Cindy laid her head on Miguel's shoulder, seeking for his comfort at the memory.

He put his arm around her and looked at her. "It's not gonna happen again, I promise. The next time I see him, he's going to die."

Cindy looked up at him. "How can you be sure?"

"Because I promise that I'll do everything I can to kill him."

"That sure is a lot of confidence." She said, laughing.

"Well, that and also we have two spiders that probably have more power than a nuclear plant.

Cindy laughed at him and got up. "Come on hotshot, it's getting late."

Miguel shook his head but got up with her. "But still, I promise I'll get him next time. Swear by my heart." He put his hand over his heart.

Cindy put her hand over his. "Swear by your heart." Miguel smiled and kissed her. "Just make sure it's a swear and not a stab next time."

Cindy started laughing as Miguel rolled his eyes. "Ha ha, you're riot." His voice dripped in sarcasm. They kept talking until Lyla suddenly called Miguel.

"Miguel, I found Morlun. Earth 001 again. I told all the spiders already."

"Got it, I'm going." He looked over at Cindy who stared at him in confusion. "Morlun, get ready." Cindy nodded and got her mask out since her suit was alunder her clothes. Miguel opened a portal to Earth 001 where he saw all of the spiders already there. And there in front of them, stood a lone Morlun.

"Today, this pathetic war ends." Morlun said.

"Yeah, hopefully with you dead."

Morlun chuckled at him. "We don't always get what we hope for." Suddenly, a massive army of robots in numerous forms appeared in front of them. "Meet my new army. All of them designed to kill."

A man that was armed with a small armoury walked up to Morlun. "They are all ready."

Morlun smirked. "Kill them."

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