Chapter 17

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Miles woke up in a different room than he remembered from the day before. Before, he was in a room that was dark and only had one uncomfortable chair in the middle made of metal in the middle. Now, he was in a warm room with three large windows that revealed lots of sunlight and had clothes littered everywhere in his room and walls covered in posters.

That was when he remembered what just happened in the last 24 hours. Waking up to see Gwen's beautiful face, finding out that all of the spiders came to save him from Morlun, but then Miles remembered Miguel and his injury. He almost gagged at the memory of it. The amount of blood that was on the floor surrounding him and the two noticeable bumps caused by his ribs would make anyone feel sick. Miles sighed and walked over to the kitchen where his mom was making breakfast.

"Buenos dias, mi hijo, eat some breakfast. You need some after all those injuries you got."

"Thank you mama." Miles took the plate and went over to the table to start eating. After a few minutes, a portal suddenly appeared and Silk walked through it. She quickly tossed him an object which Miles saw was another dimension hopper.

"Lyla told me to give it to you." Silk muttered and turned to walk through the portal.

"Wait, has Miguel waken up yet?" Miles asked her before she could disappear.

Silk looked back with eyes full of sadness and a hint of anger in them. "No" she said a little bit louder.

"Would you like some breakfast?" Rio asked quickly with a plate of food in her hands.

"No thank you." She said and quickly walked through the portal and closed it.

"Dios mio, what's wrong with her?" Rio asked with a shocked face.

"She's - going through something at the moment." Miles' memory shot back to right before Miguel passed out where he muttered to Silk that he liked her then went into his coma. She must be really shook about that Miles thought as he continued eating.

He looked over at the dimension hopper and realized that he can talk to Gwen again. He quickly grabbed it and sent her a text.

Yo, wanna hang out today?

Miles put the device down and kept eating. When he was finished, he put his dishes in the sink, when he looked back, he saw that Gwen sent him a text back.

Sure, what time?


Miles waited for a response but never got any. He sighed and went back to his room. She must be busy he thought when he got another text.

I'm already outside, spider boy ;)

Miles laughed slightly at it and got his bag to put his suit in it. He went outside and saw Gwen leaning on a tree with her back turned on him and was on her phone. He walked up to her and put his arm around her waist.

"When you said that you were already outside, I would have thought that you'd be ready for me by then."

Gwen giggled. "You take forever to respond so I just figured that you weren't going to come out as quickly as you did."

"I'm your boyfriend, did you really think I'd leave you hanging?"

Gwen looked at him with a slightly confused face. "Boyfriend? I never said you were my boyfriend."

Miles rolled his eyes. "We've been together for more than a month. We pretty much are."

"Well, you never made it official."

Miles laughed slightly before looking at her. "Then, will you be my girlfriend, Gwen Stacy?"

"I'd love to." Gwen said and the two of them laughed before they kissed each other. "So, what do you want to do?" She asked him when they pulled apart.

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