Chapter 6

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Earth 1610

Miles and Gwen have been dating for 1 and a half months by now. She had visited his parents 2 weeks ago and ,fortunately, they approved the two of them. Miles had to tell them that he was spiderman so he didn't have to lie buy they already knew so they didn't yell at him. The two were swinging around in Miles' dimension when they heard a loud explosion. They swung to the sound and saw a bunch of thugs robbing a bank with rhino. "That's weird, rhino rarely ever works with thugs.

"It's fine, let's just take care of them."

"Yeah, let's go." Miles said as Gwen started to fight the thugs. Gwen fought the thugs as Miles fought Rhino. The fight was quite short and began to start webbing the criminals up when suddenly a large truck appeared that contained more thugs. "It's a trap!"

"Yeah, I realized." The two started to fight the other thugs when the previous thugs began to fight again. Finally, they were all taken care of. Gwen and Miles stood there for a minute before beginning to Web up the criminals before their spider senses began to ring. Then suddenly everything slowed down for Gwen. First she saw the criminal with the gun, then she saw the trigger get pulled, then she saw Miles scream with pain before collapsing onto the ground. "Miles! No!" Gwen ran to him to check his wounds. It wasn't good. A bullet got his leg while another got his chest. Gwen's heart sunk as she saw the second wound. It's near his heart. Oh please don't let him die, please! Suddenly all she could feel was rage as she punched the man that shot the love of her life. He was immediately knocked cold when she heard Miles speak.


"Miles! Oh thank God you're alive!" Gwen exclaimed as she hugged Miles.

"Gwen. C-call my m-mom."

Gwen quickly got her phone and told Miles' mom what happened. "I'm coming just make sure he doesn't lose too much blood." Then suddenly her spider sense tingled, she turned around and saw Rhino charge at her. She didn't have time to react and was sure she was going to get at least a few bones broken before she saw Miles step in front of her.

"Miles, no!"

"I love y-." Then rhino hit him. If Miles wasn't so weak he probably could've taken it. She saw him land hard on the ground and was devestated when she heard a crack. She was fueled with rage and began to attack rhino with no mercy until finally, he was out cold. She quickly webbed everyone up and returned to Miles. It wasn't good. Blood was spilling out of him and a bone was sticking out of his leg. He also landed on jis head as well apparently as there was blood spilling out of it. She was heartbroken at the sight. Please don't let him die please. She thought. She leaned in to kiss him and felt him kiss back before going into a coma. She heard Miles' mom's car skid across the road. She ran to Gwen and froze at the sight. She checked him over before saying that he had to go to the hospital.

"But they will know he's spiderman then."

"I will make sure the most trust worthy doctor there is taking care of him. He won't tell Miles' secret to anyone." Then she pulled out her phone to dial 911 and walked away to talk to her phone. A minute later she came back and told Gwen that the cops and an ambulance was on the way. They took off Mikes' suit so people wouldn't know his identity waited there and cried before they heard the sirens coming. The coos came first and Gwen immediately saw Miles' dad run up and ask Rio about the person hurt before seeing Miles.

"Oh no. No no no no no Miles please!" He cried as he saw Miles laying there. Just staring at the parent's grief on their sons injured body made Gwen begin crying again. She realized she still had her suit on and quickly swung away to change out of it before running up again before anyone could see her. The parents began to put Miles on a stretcher and made sure he was safe before the ambulance drove away.
---------------------------------------------------------The next day
Earth 1610

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