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Listen to Daybreak: A Castlevania Arrangment by Fantompr on soundcloud.


Please listen to this while reading if you can~🍷
Copy paste it within soundcloud to find it easier, then play it on repeat while reading this chapter^^


Within the castle there were many rooms that were still badly battered and damaged.
Damaged from the fight between alucard and Dracula that happened a few days beforehand.
Thier was still lots of broken shards, bits and peices of wood and other material covering the flooring of some rooms. Every now and then you and the trio would help clean up as much as possible around the castle. But still there was so much to clean and fix. Alucard appreciated the occasional help of fixing up some of the rooms.

After trevor and sypha had gone to bed, and you to bathe, alucard had went to take some time to clean up one of those rooms himself. Just to keep himself a bit busy.

Since the day began, you didn't really get to talk with him for most of the day. Mostly due to helping sypha, and him going out with trevor in search of goods earlier in the day.
You'd also had to admit that you still felt guilty, and a bit bashful from the night before.
Upon seeing alucard partly naked made your cheeks burn each time the memory flashed back throughout the day. A shameful feeling lingered a bit and you did sorta try to minimize talking to him. You wanted to avoid him for a bit, or els each time you would look at him your cheeks would flush from embarrassment.

Did you tell sypha about that embarrassing incident that happened the night before? Of course not. Not because you didn't trust her or anything but because it was super embarrassing to talk about and well,...... knowing her she would probably tease you about it for as long as possible.

Who knows exactly how alucard must of felt about what had happened the night before, but it honestly didn't fase or bother him.
At least, he didn't show that it did.
As the morning began he acted perfectly normal, as if it never happened. He still even greeted you in the morning with a small cheerful smile.
However , what did bother him was that you didn't speak with him much throughout the day after that.
He did have a feeling as to why you were trying to avoid him though.
Still ,there was something on his mind and he did want to speak with you eventually, at least before you would rest for the night.

He would later come by your room to say goodnight and chat with you for a bit. Assuming you would be in your room after you've returned from the bathing chamber. However, when he came by your room, you weren't there.

He was sure you would've returned to your room by now ,but he then decided to go look for you. It's sort of becoming a pleasing habbit now of him going and searching for you within the large castle. At least to him he found it amusing in a way.
With no luck in finding you in the main halls or floors of the castle he began to search farther up. He started searching up in the towers, until finally he found you. You had left the doors open, giving him clues as to where you could've gone.

Coming to the small entrance of the towers balcony, he smiled as he saw your form leaning against the stone railing. D/n had fallen asleep by your feet, he was snoozing away in a little ball.
He knocked twice against the frame of the door.

Proping yourself upright a bit, you turned at the sound of alucard knocking.
Your heart lightly skipped a beat at the sound of his voice ,and you quickly tucked a strand of hair that was flowing in the wind in front of your face ,behind your ear.

Alucard ~
" there you are y/n~...I see you've found the castles grand Clock tower...how's the view ?" He spoke while making his way to join you by the balcony. A light smile forming on his lips as he gazed out ahead.

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