Chapter 29: Stepping Stones

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"The thing is... I don't feel anything right now.
I'm not happy but I'm not sad.
I'm not angry nor am I hurt.
I don't know how to answer when someone asks "How are you?"
Because I'm fine.
I feel disconnected from this beautiful world.
I don't want to die,
but I can't find the point of living anymore."

It was a regular to go to Jamie's for dinner, especially on Tuesday because he makes slamming tacos. It was nice to get back into a routine but I was dreading possibly running into Tyler while I was going to visit Jamie. I knew it would probably be a dirty look before he disappears into his bedroom.

I was prepared for it as I turned the knob to Jamie's apartment. But when I swung it open there was no Marshal to greet me and everything seemed quiet. The place looked cleaner and it seemed to be missing something that I couldn't put my finger on.

"Jamie?" I call out

"In here!" He responds from the hallway. I make my way over and he's inside Tyler's room. The door is wide open and I can see Jamie, in his pjs, rubbishing through a box of Christmas decorations.

"He cleaned up" I laugh as I look at the spotless room.

"Well he had to"

"Why?" I question

"Nic tyler moved out yesterday, he found a nice house in Dallas" He says

"Are you for real?" I cock an eyebrow

"Yes this was a toxic environment for him, he's better off"

"Gonna be lonely for you"

"Let's eat dinner" he smiles. As we sit there I poke my fork at the rice for I no longer had an appetite. I didn't hate tyler anymore but I guess he hated me now. He must hate me so much that he couldn't even stand to be around me.. like I had once been to him.

"I don't get it" I spat out without realizing.
"Huh?" Jamie questions
"Why does he hate me now? I apologized" I say angrily
"Nicola sometimes an 'I'm sorry' just doesn't suffice, he'll come around" Jamie assures me.
"Whatever, what's going on for Christmas?"
"I was hoping you wouldn't ask" he mumbles as he rests his cheek in his hand.
"What are you talking about?"
"Tyler invited my family and I over to his house"
"Oh that will be fun" I say disappointedly, I would be home all alone.
"Well he did say you are invited but I doubt-"
"No Jamie I want to, I wanna be with you and your family... Even if it has to be at Tyler's"

Later that night Jamie had informed Tyler that I would be coming for the day and I could hear them arguing about it. There was a lot of "Bro it won't be so bad" from Jamie along with "She won't" and "she'll behave".


I hadn't run into Tyler since the big night of the argument and apology. I was barley at the rink anymore, not even for games. What was the point of going? It pained me to much to just sit there and watch and not write. Since I didn't have to be at the rink and Tyler was no longer living in with Jamie I just never saw him. Occasinaly Jamie would go over to Tyler's or go out with him but I refused to tag along. But today that would end because today was Chrsitmas. Jamie's family was over, and I loved Jamie's parents. After my brother's passing and parents spilt they became my second parents.

"What are you going to wear Nic?" Jamie's mother asks as I stand behind her in the bathroom as she fixed her hair.
"Um maybe a dress I'm not sure"
"Can I help you pick one out?" she questions
"Um sure, I keep my dresses in the spare room" She than gives me a weird look "They don't fit in my apartment" I chuckle as we walk down the hallway and into the guest bedroom. Jamie's mother begins digging in the closet before she pulls something out. It a glittery forest green dress with quarter sleeves but the most beautiful part was the fact that back was all open.

"This one" she smiles as she holds it up."Go, go get dressed" she smiles before shooing me off into the bathroom. I get the dress on and Jamie's mother can't help but smile at me before she sits me down to do my makeup. "You're the girl I never got" She laughs. "I'm so lucky to have you and Jamie in my life"

Tyler's POV

I hadn't slept a wink at all, the bags under my eyes were horrendous. My hair was sitting in the right place and I just looked like a hot mess.

"Ty are you okay?" my sister asks me as she stands in the doorway of the bathroom.
"No Candace... I don't want to see her" I mumble
"Oh Tyler you can't hide from her forever" She says as she comes closer and pulls me into a hug. The truth is I wanted to see Nicola, I longed to see her green eyes and smile. I longed to hear her laugh and taste her lips once more. But I couldn't forgive that easy, what kind of man would I be if I fell to my knees and took her with loving arms right away? She made me suffer, I suffered so bad I know have my own place.

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