Chapter 10: Cold hearted truth

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Tyler's POV

I walked past Nicola's door that was cracked open a bit. She had passed out as soon as we got home, she looked so at peace. When I first met her she had this fire in her eyes, she was confident. Now she looked like a helpless puppy. Just the other night I herd her slam some stuff in her room and mumble how much she hated herself for not remembering. I felt so bad for her but because she doesn't have memory she can't seem to remember that she hates me so that was the plus side.

"She asleep?" asks Jamie as I take a seat on the sofa.

"Yea, do you have the password to her laptop?"

"I think so, why?"

"She was asking me about it, she can't seem to get on it"

"Alright I'll give it to her in the morning"

"Is it bad that I enjoy her having no memory?"


"She likes me now, she doesn't wanna kill me"

"Listen I know It's nice for you but I want her memory back. She's so empty and it sucks"

"I know" I sigh

"Well I'm telling you, get on her good side now so she won't hate you as much when her memory comes back"

"I'm trying"


Nicola's POV

Another day stuck in the apartment with Marshall. I swear to god I was getting even more depressed by the day. So I decided I would do something I was supposedly good at, writing. I grabbed a pad and a pen and began writing.

"And the sadness seeped into my veins spreading around my entire body lingering within my heart and lodging itself inside my mind and I don't know if it will ever leave"

"It's bleak here. And I'm sitting outside. My face gets cold,but my heart is warm. It's beautiful, everything around me is quiet and peaceful. And I feel so empty."

The words flowed, maybe I was actually good at this stuff. But I needed more, this wasn't easing my pain. I pulled the seat from island and dragged it to the front of the refrigerator. I carefully stepped on it and opened the cabinet above it. I knew Jamie stored something called alcohol in here. I knew this because the other night his friends got 'drunk' off it.

I look at the bottles, whiskey, tequila, and whole bunch more but the last one looks intriguing. It was hazy clear bottle and was rather big. Across it was 'Vodka'. I took the bottle from the cabinet and grabbed a red plastic cup. I fill the cup all the way and take a sip. It burned my throat and tasted awful, but I took another sip. One after another till the cup was empty. Even after the cup was empty I still thirsted for more because the more I drank the less empty I felt. I drank until my veins were filled with more vodka than blood.

I went to pour more but the bottle now rang empty. The next thing I knew I fell to the ground and the bottle dropped beside me. It felt great to not feel a single emotion, everything went black.

Tyler's POV

"What a hell of a game" I said to Jamie as he unlocked the apartment door. We had just arrived from a road trip where I netted my first goal as a Dallas star. I knew being on a line with him was going to help me as a player, especially since I'm no longer a winger.

We enter the apartment which is rather quiet, normally Nicola had music playing. As soon as I walk in Marshall doesn't give me his normal greeting, instead he takes my sleeve in his mouth and begins pulling me.

"Marshall!" I yell but he doesn't stop, he just keeps pulling. I'm now furious but my heart drops to my stomach when he pulls me into the kitchen. There lied Nicola on the floor with an empty bottle of Vodka.

"Jamie!" I scream frantically

"What is it?" he than looks down to see a pale Nicola.

"Call an ambulance" he screams. I run to the phone and begin to call 911 while Jamie checks for her pulse.

"She's still breathing" he yells. Everything else was blur. We were in the hospital, Jamie and I wait anxiously outside Nicola's room.

"Why?" he sobs "why did she drink? She never drinks"

"Jamie this isn't the same Nicola. I think she's kind of depressed... I herd her the other night mumbling about how much she hated herself for not remembering"

"But it's not her fault!"

"It's not, its mine" I sigh under my breath.

"Are you two here with Nicola?" The doctor asks as he exists the room


"Okay, first off I don't want her returning here. This is the second time in a week" he chuckles "But in all serious she has alcohol poising, I'm assuming she doesn't drink often or at all"

"Only on special occasions and it's just a glass of wine"

"See she drank a whole bottle of vodka and her kidneys were not prepared for it. Normally alcohol poising screws with your breathing and gag reflexes. You are very lucky she didn't choke on her own saliva. We're filtering her blood so we can drain any alcohol and she'll be fine but this might have put a little delay on her memory coming back"

"She's still gonna get it back right ?" Asks Jamie

"She will with time. Again, try showing her little things she liked, it will happen eventually. As for alcohol we'd advise staying away from it, especially binge drinking like she just did. We'll release her late tomorrow, we just wanna observe her and make sure she is all good" he smiles and than is on his way

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