Chapter 2: Shipped To Dallas

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Tyler's POV

"No! No!" I scream as I pick up the chair and throw it at the wall, causing it to break. I felt like my whole world was crumbling around me and I had no way to control it.

"The fuck is your problem?" Asks Brad "calm the fuck down"

"Calm the fuck down? Calm the fuck down! Did you not hear what is happening!" I rage

"No? I just woke up bro"

"Well 'Bro' my agent just called"


"And Peverley, Button and I are all getting shipped out to Dallas!"

"Dallas Stars? Are you kidding"

"No! I'm not! Loosing the cup in 17 seconds was bad but this, this is worse!" I scream, Brad than hits the remote and flicks to the NHL Network. My name was the headliner.

"Bruins star Tyler Seguin traded to Dallas, partying to blame?"

"Bruins star Seguin has been traded to Dallas. The bruins and Stars will be holding a conference tomorrow to further discuss the trade"

"So how about playoffs" mumbles Brad

"Shut the fuck up, I'm not in the mood" I say as I march upstairs.

Nicola's POV

"I'm your best friend right?" Asks Jamie

"Yea why?"

"Training camp is a week away and since were getting new players I've been asked to house one for the season" He says as he wipes down the kitchen counter

"Great for you Benn" I mumble through a mouth stuffed with chocolate chip cookies.

"There's just a catch"

"What? Seguin staying at your place?" I laugh jokingly

"Uh about that" he says as he scratches his head

"No! Are you joking?" I practically almost spit out my cookie

"No.... He's staying with me"

"I guess I won't be over your house"

"Nicola don't say that! Can you please act like you're fine with it?"

"I wish I could Jamie, but I'm not" I sigh "listen I've got to go" I say as I get up off the couch.

"Why? you literally live three floors down, what's the rush?"

"I've got an early morning tomorrow"

"I'll see you tomorrow night?" he asks

"I wouldn't miss your cooking for the world" I smile back even though I'm irate underneath.

Benn's POV

God I knew she was gonna hate me but if I told her I was picking up Seguin this morning she wouldn't come over for dinner tonight. I had texted him a few times before training camp, we both had one thing in mind, making playoffs. In my eyes he wasn't a bad kid, just needed extra guidance. The bruins screwed him over a bit to with making him play wing and putting so much pressure to preform on a 21 year old kid. I just had a feeling that he was going to exceed all expectations this season.

I pull up into the airport parking lot and wait. Its wasn't long till I spotted Segs with his 3 luggage's and bruins hockey bag, the symbol made me cringe.

"Long time no see" He says as he shakes my hand

"Haha yea, you excited?"

"Nervous is the better word" I help him place his bags in the back of my car.

"Your gonna need a new bag" I joke

"Yea, that's not my logo anymore" he referred to the bruins logo on his bag

"How are you dealing with the trade?" I ask as we drive to my apartment

"I didn't take it to well but it's a new beginning"

"Look on the bright side you'll know a few guys and I have a feeling you'll fit right in" I playfully punch his arm as we turn into the apartment complex.

The doorman takes my keys and I help Tyler grab his bags and bring them upstairs. I unlock the door and drop the bags at the door.

"This is my place, your bedroom is down that hall first door, second door is your bathroom" I say

"Awesome, I gotta drop these off in there" he disappears into the room and comes back without all the bags.

"Hey I know I just got here and I don't mean to be a burden but my dog is on his way here would-"

"Just clean up after him, it's all good"

"And tomorrow can you drive-"

"I'll have them pick up your car" I smile

"Uh thanks" he smiles

"Im gonna make dinner, you make yourself at home... big day ahead tomorrow"

Just as I finish up dinner, lasagna, there is a knock on the door. I quickly open it to see Nicola in her sweats and tank top.


"You really thought I would get dressed to come see you?" she cocks an eyebrow


"Something smells good" she says as she pushes me out of the way and makes her way to the kitchen.

Tyler's POV

Jamie is a really cool dude, I'm so glad I asked to stay with him. Not many people would take on a new comer and their big dog. I was hanging up my clothes when I herd a girls voice from the kitchen. I quickly hang up my last dress shirt and make my way to the kitchen. She's sitting at the island, her blonde hair right at her shoulder blades and she looks rather comfortable in her Stars sweatpants. Jamie hadn't mentioned anything about a girl or girlfriend. As I get closer I can hear them talking about dinner, both of them don't notice me.

"Uh hey dinner ready?" I ask interrupting their conversation. Jamie's eyes widen and the blonde turns to see me. Her green eyes grow furious than she turns back to Jamie, I wonder what that was about.

"Oh uh Tyler could we uh have a moment" Jamie stutters

"Sure" I than turn out of the kitchen but wait behind the walk.

"Why didn't you tell me he was here already" Asks the girl

"Nicola you didn't ask" Nicola, that was her name.

"Jamie your not funny!"

"Well can you act civilized while we have dinner?" from that question I could make the assumption Nicola wasn't the biggest fan.

"Jamie you owe me big time!"

"Tyler!" Jamie calls our "Dinner is ready!"

I make my way back to the kitchen and take a seat at the end of the table. I can't focus on anything but Nicola. Who was she? Was she Benn's girlfriend?Cousin?

"Tyler you okay?" Benn asks snapping me out of my daze

"Huh? Yea I just miss my dog that's all"

"Sure that's all you miss?" Nicola mutters as she rolls her eyes, yep she defiantly didn't like me.

"I miss my mom?"

"Awe we got a momma's boy" she mocks

"I'm just gonna turn in early, see you in the morning" I walk by Nicola and give her the cold shoulder.

Nicola's POV

"Can you not be such a dick?" says Jamie

"I could, but I'm not going to"

"Whatever, you gonna be at camp?"

"Yea I'm covering it" I was the Dallas Star news girl, it's kinda amazing to be up close and personal with my favorite team. In fact this job is how I met Jamie, and now we're best friends

"Alright I'm gonna turn in to, I'll see you tomorrow" I say as I hug Jamie than take the elevator down to my apartment.

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