Chapter 40: One

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My brother's tombstone was a beautiful one. Located just around the only willow tree in the cemetery, the top was a picture of him. He dawned his hockey gear, his hair a mess from the helmet he wore. The picture couldn't be in color but I knew how flushed red his cheeks were. The bottom half of his tombstone was his name along with his birth and passing date. Right under was the quote I had picked.

"Those we love do not go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near, so loved, so missed, so very dear"

I collapsed to my knees, my hand came up and traced the last words

Beloved Bestfriend, beloved son, beloved athlete, beloved brother

I let my finger linger on the last words as tears escaped from me, my sobs uncontrollable. Tyler kneeled down beside me and wraped his arms around me. The sudden touch amsoothed me. My body stopped shaking but I still continued to cry into his chest. When I was able to control myself I pulled away from Tyler. When I had I visioned myself coming back to his resting place, I didn't envision myself being an emotional wreck.

"I love, I love you so so much" I cried as I leaned over the tombstone. "I miss you, Jamie misses you.. I haven't seen mom or dad but I'm sure they miss you.. Jamie is going to the olympics you know?" I sob "I'm so proud of him" I sobbed harder "God I miss you" I reach into my front jean pocket and let my fingers curl around his championship ring, the one he wore all the time. I squeeze it tightly.

"Here Nicola" Tyler interrupts, handing me a bouquet of sunflowers, the flowers my brother always gave me. I take them from Tyler's hand and squeeze them tight as I get on one knee. I placed them at the foot of the tombstone. Running my fingers over his picture, I stand up. Tyler wraps one arm around my shoulder's and I turn into his chest and attempt to stop my waterfall of tears.

"Bye" I whisper "Bye"

Tyler continues to keep his arm draped around my shoulder as we walk back to the car.

"Want to go get dinner?"

"That would be nice...Could I pick the restaurant?"

"Sure" He smiles.

We return to the hotel room were I shower first while Tyler watches TV on his bed. When I'm done with my hair I come out in the room with a towel wrapped around me.

"Is that what you're wearing to dinner?" He jokes.

"You're not funny, go shower" I tell him. He disappears into the bathroom and I change into blue high waisted jeans and white deep v tank that I tucked into the jeans. I wore nude swede pointed toe pumps on my feet. I did my makeup quickly for a little concealer to cover the puffiness of my eyes from all the crying and mascara sufficed enough for me.

Eventually Tyler emerged from the bathroom, his hair dripping wet and his towel clung to the lower half his body. His abs fully exposed and flexed as he bent over to look through his duffle bag.

But his tattoos.

They were fully exposed, each and every one. A strand of hair fell down onto Tyler's face, his arm flexed to push it back up and each tattoo followed the movement of his arm.

"How long are you going to stare?" He questions, a devilish smirk across his face as he found his clothes.

"As long as you did to me when I came out" I poked back. Tyler chuckled than headed back into the bathroom were he would come out again, this time in jeans and v-neck. His hair pushed back and his beard all scruffy.

"Ready to go?"

"Mhmm" I nod.

The restaurant I had chose was one I hadn't been back to since before my brothers passing. It was a casual restaurant I took my brother to after every big win. We would share a vanilla milk shake.

Dinner with Tyler was nothing less than fun. He had kept me on my toes the whole night, giggling and laughing. His leg or arm would brush up against me and I wouldn't flinch and he wouldn't move it.

We found ourselves back at the hotel room door, were all my nerves from earlier had disappeared.

"Tyler I want to thank you- for everything"

"I just want to make you and Jamie happy" he mumbles, he's so close I can feel his hot breath and his body heat. The world pauses for a second and I can't tell you what came over me but within seconds my lips were colliding with Tyler's.

His hands ran up and down my back and his lips moved in sync with mine. I reached my hand back and opened the hotel room door where we both stumbled inside.

My hands found their way to his shirt buttons were I began undoing them. Tyler pushed me back on to my bed. He climbed on top of me, untucking my shirt and undoing my jean button.

Clothes began flying and hands wondered but lips were still interlocked. I knew at this very moment there was nothing I wanted more than Tyler. I want his abs. I wanted his tattoos. I wanted his chocolate brown eyes and hair.

I wanted him.

All that was left was my bra and underwear, Tyler was bulging through his boxers.

"Are you- sure- you wanna- do this?" He managed to say in between kisses.

"Mhmm" I whimpered before pulling off his boxers. With a quick movement he unbuckled my bra. He trailed my stomach in hot kisses until he reached my panty line. He looked up at me, a devilish look in his eye as he pulled off my underwear leaving us completely exposed.

Hot steamy bodies became one in a beautiful mess.

My hands ran through Tyler's hair as I laid on top of him, us both breathing incredibly heavy.

"Wow" Was the only word he could say he looked at me while twirling a strand of my hair in between his fingers.

"Mmm" I moan out

"God you are so beautiful" He whispers


Last update until April 14th when my new Kane fanfic comes out! When this book ends my Crosby one will be released, just wanted to update you guys!

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