Chapter 47: If It's Not A Mad Love, It's Not Love At All

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After dinner Tyler had taken Nicola outside to the back patio of the restaurant where 'What A Wonderful World' was playing softly through the speakers. Around the patio, which was empty, white lights were strung all around. However, they were drowned out by the blanket of stars in the sky.

He held out his hand for her to take. She complied, but instead of holding them he brought them to his lips and placed a gentle kiss upon them. Nicola felt her face flush warm and the hairs on her neck sand. Something fluttered in her stomach. She knew the feeling, she had gotten it from Tyler before. It was a bizarre sensation but it wasn't unpleasant. In that moment she knew if she spoke, her words would fumble and wouldn't be able to use her witty remarks.

Right than and there she was at a loss for everything. No breath, no words, not even thoughts.

The starry night had engulfed the once strangers as they stood there lost in each other's eyes. They both knew the stars were in the sky but the both of them could've sworn they were also captured in one another's eye. Tyler pulled her into him where together, without words, they swayed to the music.

If it was up to Nicola, she could've stayed like that forever. She could have listened to his heart beat and inhaled his cologne all night. But what she didn't know is the words that would be coming next would beat all of this.

Finally Tyler unwrapped his arms from her but continued to hold her at an arms length. Looking at himself in the reflection of her eyes he smiled. Suddenly it felt much hotter than it did when they first got here and his mouth was now dry. His cheeks burned and hands felt clammy, god, only she could do this to him.

"Nicola" He says her name and smiles "I don't have a lot of things figured out, but I know that I need you. I'm not good with words, and I'm surprised at myself for not stuttering this far in" He chuckled "But Nicola, I need to know that when I roll over in the morning it will be your face that greets me every morning. Nicola, will you be my girlfriend?"

She wanted to tell him how long she had been waiting for this. She wanted to hold on to the electricity in her fingertips when she grazed his skin, remember the sound of him saying her name, memorize every second of all of this, even the quiet inhale-exhale of breathing and not breathing. She was so alive, so full of every thing she might burst if she felt more.

"Yes! Yes!" She said as if she thought she would never had heard the words.

He looked at her, her hair was softly brushing her cheeks, her eyes glowing. He admired her, everything abut her.

Nicola couldn't pinpoint the exact moment she had fallen for him, but that didn't matter. Despite all her efforts she had let him in. No matter how much she had tried to deny it to herself, it was there. What happened next would be the essence of every love story ever written. Beautiful and tragic in itself, it was a spectacular sight to witness. She had let herself finally feel it, all of it.

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