Chapter 7: Remember?

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Alyssa's POV

My eyes where closed tight, I had some fear to open them. MY ears could here two deep voices erguing with each other. "Are you sure?" asked the one voice

"Jamie I'll take her home, don't worry" the other replied

"Thanks man, I owe you" I can hear what sounds like a man patting the other man's shoulder. From the small conversation I can hear that a Jamie won't be here for when I open my eyes.

Before I opened my eyes I knew where I was, a hospital. I can't tell you why for I barley know my own name but hospitals have such a distinct smell that I just knew. Scared I would react bad to the light I slowly opened my eyes. At the end of my bed stood a tall man with tattoos, he looked muscular and rather handsome. He was talking to what was presumably the doctor because he was in scrubs and his hand was holding a clipboard. I shut my eyes again and waited till I herd the door close shut indicating the doctor was gone. I herd the other man walk lightly than plop himself into a chair in the room. Slowly I opened my eyes again and than man practically leaped from my chair.

"Nicola you're awake" he smiles

"Huh? Whose Nicola?"

"Oh I forgot.. We've uh Jamie's got a lot of explaining to do" he than scratches his head

"Who is that? Who are you? Who am.. I?"

"Listen I'll explain on the way home, you wait till I get the doctor."

The man with tattoos left but soon returned with a nurse and wheelchair. The man lifted me out of the bed and into the chair where the nurse began wheeling me off with the man following close behind. "Tyler, Jamie has been informed about medication and all that so I believe you're good to go" She says as we reach our destination, a white truck. "Thank you" he smiles and the next thing I know I'm sitting his passenger seat.

"An explanation? now please"

"A lot of things have happened and Im going to explain this as best as I can. You're Nicola, but you don't know that because a few days ago you where in uh accident that caused you to lose your memory. I'm your best friend's friend who came here to pick you up and bring you home. I'm Tyler"

"That's a hard pill to swallow, thanks for taking an easy on me" I say sarcastically.

Those where the only words said in car, for i slumped up against the door watching the scenery in silence as Tyler drove. When we arrive to Jamie's penthouse, assuming it was his, we where greated by the door man. I stay quiet as I follow Tyler into the elevator. When the elevator finally opens, Tyler opens the penthouse door. The place was huge, and it even had a huge brown dog to go along with it.

"That's Marshall, you love him"

"I do?"

"Yea, you told me you love big dogs"Tyler leaves me on the black leather couch with the dog by myself. I was alone for five minutes before the door opened.

"Tyler?" The man in the door way calls out


"Did You?"

"Yes she knows" The man looks at me with these big brown eyes that hide a lot of pain

"Hey Cola" he says as he takes a seat next to me


"That's just what I use to call you" he half smiles


"I know it must suck to not remember things"

"I uh guess, do I live here?"

"No you live a couple floors down but for now, you'll stay here in the bedroom next to Tyler's"

"Can you point me to the bathroom?" I question, I just wanted out of this akward situation. "Down the hall to the right" I get up and head to the bathroom. When I turn on the light I'm taking back by my reflection. My hair was blonde and my eyes where a glowing green but my left eye was covered in black, blue and purple that traveled down my neck. My colllar bone was badley bruised and hurt when I pressed down on it, no wonder Jamie looked at me with pain in his eyes. 

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