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I got up really early the next morning and waited outside playing with a turtle-duck in the small pond, it came out of the water and sat next to me.
I stood up and started waterbending trying to remember the things that Pakku taught me, from here on I would have to continue my bending alone, not even Katara was here to bug me about my stance or techniques, I wasn't with her to show off even if I wanted to. It felt empty but also calming and quiet, before this it was always just fights between Yoshiro. I watched the necklace dangle around my wrist a smile formed on my face.

Then Zuko walked out, we both looked at each other for a second.

"Does this mean you will stop searching for the Avatar?" I asked placing the creature into the pond.

Zuko only stayed quiet.
He and I just looked at each other before I crossed my arms hugging myself, I still didn't know what to do at this point. His silence was enough of an answer.

"Have a nice trip home." I bowed my head and he left.

Moments later Iroh came out with our bags. "You're not gone yet?" He asked me. "I thought you had already left with Zuko."

I scoffed and looked at him. "The Fire Nation killed people I loved, I'd hate it there." I held my necklace, I then looked at the shark tooth around my wrist.

"Hmmm.." He hummed and I looked down at the ship. "Kaida, you know your destiny and you know you can't run away from it."

I thought for a moment and sighed. If I had to stop Zuko that meant I had to go to the Fire Nation whether I liked it or not. If anything it would be best for me to go and work from the inside. I could try and pass off as a citizen, Maybe Iroh can say I'm working for him or something.
I just knew I had to do something, leaving my family wasn't going to be for nothing, losing someone I cared about wasn't going to be for nothing. I had to stop Zuko and what better way than from the inside? I could train in private or something.

"Okay." I took my bag and followed him down the stairs.

"Wait!" Iroh called to his nephew. "Don't leave without us!"

"Uncle. Kaida?" Zuko looked at us, His eyes lingered on me for a second but he looked over at Iroh. "You've changed your mind."

"Family sticks together right?" He asked and Zuko smiled it was sweet and innocent making me smile at him.

"We're finally going home." Zuko said and they both looked down at the ship.

"I'm here to bother you." I smiled and nudged him making him look at me.

While Zuko walked away Iroh stared at the ship with suspicious eyes. I was going to ask him what was wrong but a surprise wouldn't be too bad.

We made it down to the dock and the guards were lined up on the edges as we walked down and Azula waited at the top of the ramp leading up to the ship. A shiver ran up my spine as our eyes locked.
I felt uncomfortable, being the only Water Triber and all, they didn't even know I was a waterbender. I was wearing a pink dress that had small white flowers and long sleeves I don't know if they would even consider it.

"Brother, Uncle, Welcome!" Azula greeted. "Oh and look, you're bringing the girl. Should I let Mai know ahead of time?"
Mai? "Oh well, I'm so glad you decided to come."

"Are you ready to depart your highness?" One of the men asked he looked like he was the one incharge of the ship.

"Set our course for home captain." Azula ordered with a smile.

"Home." Zuko said to himself. We were gonna head up but stopped.

"You heard the princess, raise the anchors, we're taking the prisoners home." The captain ordered and then stopped after realizing what he said. "Your highness I...I."

Iroh turned around and started fighting the guards and so did Zuko and I.

"You lied to me!" Zuko yelled up at his sister.

"Like I've never done that before." She smiled walking onto the ship.

So Iroh was right, than again when is he wrong? I went and helped Iroh but worried about Zuko, I used the water to scrape most of the guards off the dock and freezing the ones that remained. One shot at me, I tried blocking it but I wasn't fast enough and they burned my hands. I bit my bottom lip as I got down, the pain shooting through my arms.
Iroh kicked the guy into the water. He made sure I was alright and I nodded but my hands still hurt.

"Zuko, let's go!" Iroh called but Zuko went to go fight his sister.

Why was he like this?!

Iroh and I ran up onto the ship, Zuko was on the floor and his sister stood over him on another platform higher than him.
I froze in place as Azula was gathering lightning ready to shoot it at Zuko but Iroh grabbed her hand, hitting the mountain. I covered my ears and slammed my eyes shut only to be pulled away. I opened my eyes and saw Zuko was the one pulling me along side him. we ran off the ship and continued to run.
She bended lightning!

⇢ ⇢ ⇢

We continued running until we seemed to be far enough and Iroh stopped.

"I think we're safe here." He said and both boys fell to their knees right next to the river.

I leaned down placing my hands on my knees as the pain shot through my hands. I forgot about getting burned.
Damn it I need to run more.
I walked over taking a seat next to Zuko and dipped my hands into the refreshing water releasing a sigh as they healed. I was catching my breath but saw Zuko pull out a knife and cut off his ponytail leaving a patch of hair on his head.
He then handed it to Iroh who did the same. Iroh held out the small knife to me and I shook my head.

"Oh No! I'm not cutting my hair!" I held my braid and shook my head. "As if it would make any difference in my appearance." I argued and they both looked at me. "Freckles aren't very common!"

"Oh and a scar on the left eye is?!" Zuko yelled.

"Exactly!" I yelled back. "It makes no sense."

"Kaida, the choices you make on our voyage will influence and affect all of us." Iroh said.

"I'm gonna hold a grudge against you both." I muttered my voice and hands shook as I took the knife from Iroh. "I've never cut my hair before." I ran my hand down the long braid.

"Just do it." Zuko said. "It's not like you've ever had it down."

"You lack those observational skills, huh?" I muttered.

I glared up at him and used the water to smack his head, he rubbed the spot where I hit him and muttered. I slammed my eyes shut but then inhaled and exhaled trying to calm myself. When I was calm I cut through the braid and dropped it into the river.
I took the clips out of my hair and I looked down at my reflection, it wasn't even, but it didn't look terrible.

"You still look nice." Zuko said but I was still too mad to take the compliment.

"You could call me beautiful and I would still be mad." I told him but I did feel the blush crossing my face. "Too bad I can't say the same for you."
I heard him growl at me but I chose to ignored it and stood up, I handed him his knife and walked past Iroh. "Let's go."

"It's just hair, It'll grow back." I heard Zuko say. I stopped walking, an annoyed feeling only being mixed in with anger at his failed attempts to make me feel better. So I soaked him in water.

"It's just clothes. It'll dry." I mocked him before turing around again continuing to walk forward.

Remember to read book one if you haven't already. Also thanks for 9k reads on the first book!

Edited; 11/02/20
Re-Edited; 7/10/21

Kaida Queen Of Ice <<ATLA; Book two: Earth>>Where stories live. Discover now