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We got back to our small apartment, no one spoke the whole way back so when we walked in it we stayed quiet for a few seconds. I pull my mask and my hood down.

"You did the right thing." Iroh said to Zuko. "Letting the Avatar's bison go free."

"I don't feel right." Zuko replied and fell onto his knees.

"Zuko!" I got down and put his arm around my shoulder. I could feel the heat radiating from his body, I placed my hand on his forehead. "Iroh, he is burning up."

"Go get a bowl of water and a towel." He told me and I went into the restroom to get the towel and a bucket of water creating ice cubes to keep it cold.

When I came back I saw Zuko was shirtless and barely being able to sit up on his own.

"You're gonna be okay." I said and Iroh came out with a pillow and a blanket.

"He has an intense fever." Iroh said after tucking Zuko in. "This will help cool you down."

"So thirsty." Zuko rasped sitting up but his uncle didn't allow him to.

"Here's some clean water to drink." Iroh said grabbing the spoon and helped him. "Stay under the blanket and sweat it out." Zuko took the ladle and drank all of the water quickly but most of it spilled dripping down his chin. He threw it back and grabbed the whole bucket.

"Zuko!" He ignored me and drank the whole thing letting that spill down his body too.

He threw the bucket and laid on his side facing away from us, Iroh put the blanket over him as he coughed.

"Oh I know if it's a fever I can go get frozen wood frogs!" I sat up remembering when Katara and Sokka got fevers.

"No Kaida, this is not that type of fever." Iroh said and I sat back down as he patted the towel on his nephew.

"I-Is he really going to be all right?" I asked genuinely worried and concerned.

"Yes, he'll be fine." Iroh replied.

I placed my arms around him and he hugged me back. I just needed to calm down and be comforted. I sighed and smiled at Iroh.

Iroh gave me the towel and I dabbed the boy's forehead while Iroh went to go make tea to calm down that and he always made tea for any occasion but I knew he was also worried for his nephew. I stared at Zuko, he was unconscious for most of the time but when he woke up I smiled at him.

"Thank you." He breathed.

"Just rest." I said. Iroh came back with the tea.

"You should know this is not a natural sickness." Iroh said pouring the tea. "But that shouldn't stop you from enjoying tea."

"What's happening?" Zuko asked after a sip.

"Your critical decision." Iroh replied. "What you did beneath that lake, it was in such conflict with your image of yourself that you are now at war within your own mind and body."

"What's that mean?" Zuko asked and coughed laying down.

"You are going through a metamorphosis nephew." Iroh said "It will not be a pleasant experience but when you come out of it you will be the beautiful prince you were always meant to be."

⇢ ⇢ ⇢

I ran my hand through Zuko's dark, soft hair. It was getting pretty long almost past his eyes, I pulled my hand away and sighed at how much he was sweating.
His chest was raising and falling in shallow breaths his face twitched along with his body. His hands would at times clutch the blanket over him.
Iroh fell asleep but I tried to stay up to keep an eye on Zuko, my eyelids grew heavy but I kept them open. I got myself up and walked over to the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face.
I started to think about my family again. If I was dating Zuko, I would eventually have to tell them. I know they would think I was crazy and I would hurt them.

"What do I do now?" I asked in a whisper.

"Follow your heart." The voice of my mother said.

I gasped and looked into the mirror seeing her stand behind me. Am I going crazy? She placed her hands on my shoulder and smiled.

"But it's not right to you." I muttered.

"Kaida, you love someone who has the power to change himself." She spoke. "If you love him do what you can. Help him and let him help you."

"I'm sorry, I was there and I should have done something." I said closing my eyes.

"Don't blame yourself." Her arms wrapped around me as if she were really here.

A tear rolled down my cheek but when I opened my eyes she was gone and that feeling was slowly fading away.

I wet my face again and dried it before taking my spot back on the floor watching him.
Would she really say that if she were here? What about Yoshiro? He told me to move on but was he talking about Zuko?
As I was thinking Zuko, screamed and shot up. How Iroh slept through that I don't know but I was just focused on Zuko.

"Are you alright?" I asked and he nodded.

"I feel fine." He replied touching his scar.

"Really?" I asked and he looked at me and nodded. "Good." He took me by surprise and pulled me into a hug, I was shocked but then I hugged him back just as tightly.

I was happier than I had to be even after Iroh told me he was going to be okay, relief washed over my body as I relaxed into the hug. I pushed away and we looked at each other, his hands grabbed my face gently.

"You're uncle could wake up any second, ya know." I whispered with a smile.

"I just want a kiss." He said before crashing his lips against mine.

I melted into the kiss because it was soft and sweet. I really did fall hard for him.
Would it be a mistake? Was the question for the near future.

Edited; 11/05/20
Re-Edited; 7/11/21
I want to add that her mother appearing behind her wasn't just in her head it was her actual spirit. Kaida also has spiritual powers but she doesn't know it because it's not as stong as it would be for the Avatar.
I just felt like I needed to make that clear.

Kaida Queen Of Ice <<ATLA; Book two: Earth>>Where stories live. Discover now