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Zian and I stopped in front of the tea shop just as Zuko walked out, I couldn't hold back and started laughing.

"Y..You...look...ha...handsome!" I laughed and covered my mouth.

"You look.." He paused and looked at me, sighing in defeat. "You look pretty as always."

"Always?" I asked and he blushed but before he could say anything he glared behind me at Zian.

"Good evening, Lee." The boy greeted to Zuko who was still staring daggers into his eyes.

"It was." He muttered before looking away and I nervously smiled.

"We should-"

"Hey." We turned to see Jin walking over. "Well, look at you, you look so cute." She messed up his hair and he tried to fix it.

"It took my uncle, ten minutes to do my hair." Zuko said as he tried to smooth it out.

   "Ten minutes?" I chuckled at his glare.

"Hi, Natsumi." Jin smiled and I waved. "You have a date too?"

"Uh yeah.." I replied and looked at Zian. "We just got back actually."

"Oh have you guys had dinner yet?" She asked. "You two should join us."

"Don't you two want to be alone?" I asked not wanting to intrude on their time since Zuko didn't interfere with my date.

"It's fine, Right, Lee?" She looked at him and he shrugged to show us he didn't care.

Zian and I looked at each other to see what the other wanted to do. "We haven't eaten yet, do you want to?" I asked.

He looked over at them. "Sure."

⇢ ⇢ ⇢

"This is my favorite place to eat." Jin said and we walked into the dining area.

I sat next to Jin and Zian sat across from me. We ordered our food and got it. Zian and I talked some more now we had moved on to topics like books and plays that he has seen.

"So how do you like the city so far?" Jin asked Zuko while Zian and I were eating, trying to finish our food before it got cold.

"It's okay." Zuko replied.

"What do you like to do for fun?" She asked.

"Nothing." He replied and I choked on the noddle Jin patted my back and I stopped. A blush covering my face.

"Sorry." I managed to say.

"Excuse me sir, would you and your girlfriend care for desert?" The waiter asked Zuko.

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" Zuko shouted slamming his fist on the table.

"W-would you two like desert?" The waiter asked Zian and I.

"Would you?" Zian asked me and I smiled.

Kaida Queen Of Ice <<ATLA; Book two: Earth>>Where stories live. Discover now