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   Zuko and Gansu came in with Lee just as dinner was ready and I noticed Zuko's thumb, it was red and looked swollen but he didn't mention it. So I didn't bring it up.
We had a small conversation during dinner mainly listening to Lee go on about so many different topics. After dinner we helped clean up and they let us stay in the barn for the night.

   "So you gonna tell me what happened to your thumb?" I asked as I brushed out my hair.

   "I missed the nail." He answered and laid on his side. "I got distracted."

   "Come here." I walked over to the water tub that was for the animals.
He ignored me so I grabbed some water and took it over to him. "Give me your hand. Look you helped me cross the bridge and now it's my turn to help you." He rolled his eyes and gave it to me.
I healed it and he looked at me, I could feel the blush creeping over my face. "Now was that so hard?"

   "Go to sleep." He said and I shoved him over with the water, a smile on my face as I put it back.

   He didn't seem to find it funny, I rolled my eyes at his dry sense of humor.
   "It wouldn't kill you to have a little fun once in a while." I patted the hay and laid on my side I stayed awake not being able to sleep until his back touched mine. I smiled and closed my eyes.

⇢ ⇢ ⇢

   I don't think I slept very long because I woke up to Lee walking in and taking the swords Zuko had.

   "Sorry!" He whisper yelled and I shrugged handing them to him.

   "Just don't break them or I won't hear the end of it." I whispered and smiled, his face lit up with the biggest smile as he ran out. I laid back down and closed my eyes.

   I woke up again when I felt that Zuko was gone, he probably went to find his swords. I hoped that he wouldn't get mad at the kid, If he does I'll take all the blame, it was my fault after all.
   I got up and waited outside the barn until Zuko and Lee came back. They said good night to each other and I smiled.

   "Rude of you to leave me alone." I teased with a smirk.

   "You're old enough to sleep alone." He teased back and we stopped, he looked back at me stunned by the words that fell from his mouth.

   "I like this Zuko, better." I walked past him and laid on the hay. He covered his face and turned so our backs were touching, only now I couldn't sleep.

   "Go to sleep." I heard him say so I laid on my back and he did too. "What?"

   "I can't stop thinking of those bullies." I answered bluntly turning my head, he did the same looking at me. "If they stole from us imagine what they're doing to the people in the town?"

   "We can't do anything." He replied then turned. "Don't. Do anything."

   I sighed and turned on my side but I was still going to go do something about it. When I thought Zuko was asleep I slowly got up and walked over to my bag pulling on the cloak.
   I filled my waterskins under my cloak and wore a mask that covered the bottom part of my face. I poked my head out of the barn, how was I gonna get past the pig animals? I sighed and looked up at the little clouds there were in the sky, it would be enough.
   I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes pulling the water down and creating mist. I ran past the animals and into the town.

   "Free dinner for your brave soilders? You shouldn't have!" Gow said taking the plate from a child. The girl was around seven or eight.

   "That's for my sick grandmother!" She tried to kick him but he held his hand out to her making her stand back and the others laughed.

   I jumped down over taking the tray and the girl. They stopped laughing as I handed the girl the tray. She looked up at me and I nodded for her to leave and she thanked me before leaving.

   "Hey!" Gow growled. "Look at this boys, a bandit gone rogue."

   "You leave these people alone." I spoke. "If you were real soldiers you wouldn't be stealing like a bunch of low lifes, So stop."

   Gow chuckled. "Why don't you make us?" He pulled out his hammers.

   I smirked under the mask. "It'd be my honor."

   One of the men ran towards me with a spear and I ran towards him taking it and tripping him with it. My body pumping with adrenaline and I took the bag of money.
   "Where'd you steal this from?" I asked rhetorically. "Mother's dinner for her children? A child's change to feed their family?"

   "That's it we're not playing with a little girl." Gow yelled and shot rocks at me but I used them as a boost, I jumped and gathered the water around me to shoot him down.

   "I'm not here to play." I answered.

   "You little-!" He grabbed my arm ready to pull my mask down but I kicked him away and gathered a bubble of water again.

   "Cool, right?" I asked landing in from of him. I set my hands down and drilled him and his men down into the ground using ice.

I also took back all the money. I tossed a bag down to him. "I don't want to tell you again."

   "You savage! You'll be sorry when we find out who you are." One of the men said and I glared over at him.

   "If you ever find out who I am." I replied and created mist and left them heading to nearby shops and handing them the money. I kept my head low making sure to tell them to give people enough to eat.

   "Wait!" A girl voice rang out and I glanced back. "Th..Thank you."

   "Bye!" I smiled before creating more mist and leaving as to not get caught..

⇢ ⇢ ⇢

   I snuck back in the barn thinking I was successful but I came face to face with an angry Zuko.
   "What did I tell you not to do?!" He asked.

   "Why should I have listened to you?" I asked. "I wasn't gonna sit back and watch just like you do."

   "You don't understand! If we get caught we'll be killed!" He hissed loudly and I sighed pulling off the cloak. "I'm serious, Kaida, this isn't a time for you to play hero."

   "I don't want to sit back anymore!" I snapped back. "You're able to do it because all you want is the Avatar, it doesn't phase you that you'll be hurting people. You couldn't care less about it. But I'm not like you!
   I want to help! I want to change things for the better, that's why I'm here with you." I looked at him. "Zuko, I know you can change if you really wanted too."
   Zuko looked away. "You do things because you think you're helping the people you care about..but sometimes your hurting strangers. I know you can change." He ignored me and went to lay on the stack of hay. I laid next to him and even then he let his leg touch mine.

Edited; 11/04/20
Re-Edited; 7/10/21

Kaida Queen Of Ice <<ATLA; Book two: Earth>>Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora